[Users] sanlock leases on VM disks

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Jan 17 17:43:00 EST 2014

On 01/10/2014 08:44 PM, José Luis Sanz Boixader wrote:
> I have an oVirt testing setup with 3 hosts running for a few weeks:
> CentOS 6.4, oVirt 3.3.1, VDSM 4.13.0, iSCSI based storage domain.
> I have just realized that sanlock has no leases on VM disks, so nothing
> prevents vdsm/libvirt from starting a VM on two different hosts,
> corrupting disk data. I know that something has to go wrong on oVirt
> engine to do it, but I've manually forced some errors ("Setting Host
> state to Non-Operational", "VM xxxx is not responding") for a "Highly
> available" VM and oVirt engine started that VM on another host. oVirt
> engine was not aware, but the VM was running on two hosts.
> I think this is a job for libvirt/sanlock/wdmd, but libvirt is not
> receiving "lease" tags for disks when creating domains. I think it should.
> What's left in my config? What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks
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we started introducing sanlock carefully, first to SPM nodes. in 3.4 to 
hosted ovirt-engine node, and looking to add it to VMs/disks as well 
going forward.

I don't remember if we have a config option to enable this, but  you can 
make this work via a custom hook at this point at vm/disk level, and we 
would love feedback on this.


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