[Users] vlan on mgmt network

Peter Styk polfilm at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 16:56:48 EST 2014

On 18 January 2014 17:11, Itamar Heim <iheim at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 01/18/2014 04:52 PM, Peter Styk wrote:
>> So I got ovirtmgmt VM ticked off. Had to remove it from all VM's then
>> tried to add new Logical network to eth0 by drag & drop but refused
>> since ovirtmgmt was out of sync. So I synced it. ....and that's how I
>> lost access to my hosted remote system. End of story. So that's it I
>> guess, automated install doesn't work (during switch network goes dead
>> and doesn't come back remote access is lost) so I found manual way that
>> works. But then I need to sync it to get my ovirtmgmt not to be a VM
>> network. And even if its not to get another network on the interface i
>> need to sync it.....
> this sounds like a bug - can you provide clear reproduction steps?

Reproduction steps are in network configuration alone. After installing
Engine, i have to set up network to the config listed here:
Unfortunately can't rely on engine-vdsm duo to help out.

Anything above the host line on the diagram is physical setup and is the
only configuration that doesn't disconnect me from the net.  Only thing
missing on the diagram is ifcfg-eth0 has also HWADDR attribute with MAC
address of physical eth0 device.

Once this survives service network restart I can proceed to VDSM install
and then its straight forward....that is until I'm trying to SYNC ovirtmgmt
on host inside. I should mention after ovirt engine is working I destroy
default cluster and create new local one.

Obviously I cannot access logs since access to host is no longer but entire
setup is scripted including provisioning so I can easily rebuild entire
setup within 15 or so minutes by running a script. Anyone who would like to
benefit from my findings can use this script and gain access to my host and
learn with me on how to overcome this.

Script will provision the host (fresh os install), log in, get the files:
ifcfg-eth0, ifcfg-ovirtmgmt, ifcfg-ovirtmgmt-range0, ovrit_answers and
route-ovirtmgmt, then install epel 6-8, install pgp, localinstall
ovirt-el6.10-1. install bridge-utils, upgrade, set hostname, then after
reboot ssh alive, set local data,images,iso folders, install ovrit-engine,
set ipv4 forwarding and proxy_arp=1, restart-network, and run engine-setup
with ovirt_answers including cli and stop iptables as engine and vdsm rules
still prevent connection if on. that's it. working system in 15 mins

still to do is engine-api calls to create local cluster, join engine with
vdsm local and setup private network with pfSense instance as
router/nat/dhcp for

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