[Users] Error when trying to create a new ISO storage domain

Markus Stockhausen stockhausen at collogia.de
Mon Jan 20 15:19:06 EST 2014

> Hi all,
> I am trying to define a new ISO storage domain. I go to System 
> Storage, click on the "New Domain" link, and fill in the requisite 
> fields. "Domain Function / Storage Type" drop is set to "ISO / NFS", 
> and I verified that I have the proper NFS path to the  export on the 
> NFS server I want to use. However, when I click the "OK" button, I 
> am getting the following popup:
> -----
> Error while executing action Add Storage Connection: Permission 
> settings on the specified path do not allow access to the storage.
> Verify permission settings on the specified storage path.
> -----

Did you follow the NFS export guidelines and userid 36? Here the
export data from our ISO NFS server path

# ls -ald /var/nas3/OVirtISO
drwxrwxr-x 3 36 36 74 Dez 10 12:53 /var/nas3/OVirtISO
# cat /etc/exports

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