[Users] novnc console button/ticket via REST-API?

Michal Skrivanek michal.skrivanek at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 08:56:25 EST 2014

On Jan 21, 2014, at 13:15 , Juan Hernandez <jhernand at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 01/21/2014 12:22 PM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:48 , Sven Kieske <S.Kieske at mittwald.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we are quite impressed of the novnc console
>>> option to get access to the vms.
>>> however, we want to implement our own
>>> userportal. So is it possible
>>> to create the novnc ticket / open a vnc
>>> session with the vm event via REST-API?
>>> If yes how?
>> setting the ticket is a VM's action "ticket"
>> after that you can spawn your client and connect to the desired host/port you get from VM display's address, secureport
>> Thanks,
>> michal
>>> If not, how could this be achieved?
> To get the ticket for the VNC display you need to do the following:
> curl \
> -k \
> -X POST \
> -H "Accept: application/xml" \
> -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
> -d "
> <action/>
> " \
> -u admin at internal:****** \
> https://whatever/api/vms/your_vm_id/ticket
> That will return something like this:
>  <action>
>    <ticket>
>      <value>IKWW7PpFZhjP</value>
>      <expiry>7200</expiry>
>    </ticket>
>    <vm href="..." id="...">
>       ...
>    </vm>
>    <status>
>      <state>complete</state>
>    </status>
>  </action>
> The ticket.value is the password for the VNC display. To connect to the
> display you will need also to get the host and port number from the VM
> details:
> curl \
> -k \
> -H "Accept: application/xml" \
> -u admin at internal:****** \
> https://whatever/api/vms/your_vm_id
> This will return the following:
>  <vm href="..." id="...">
>    ...
>    <display>
>      <type>vnc</type>
>      <address></address>
>      <port>5900</port>
>      ...
>    </display>
>    ...
>  </vm>
> The the ticket.value, vm.display.address and vm.display.port you can
> complete the VNC connection.

minor note: the secure port is the one to be used as by default the host will refuse the plaintext connection

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