[Users] Extremely poor disk access speeds in Windows guest

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Thu Jan 23 16:24:44 EST 2014

On 01/23/2014 07:46 PM, Steve Dainard wrote:
> Backing Storage: Gluster Replica
> Storage Domain: NFS
> Ovirt Hosts: CentOS 6.5
> Ovirt version: 3.3.2
> Network: GigE
> # of VM's: 3 - two Linux guests are idle, one Windows guest is
> installing updates.
> I've installed a Windows 2008 R2 guest with virtio disk, and all the
> drivers from the latest virtio iso. I've also installed the spice agent
> drivers.
> Guest disk access is horribly slow, Resource monitor during Windows
> updates shows Disk peaking at 1MB/sec (scale never increases) and Disk
> Queue Length Peaking at 5 and looks to be sitting at that level 99% of
> the time. 113 updates in Windows has been running solidly for about 2.5
> hours and is at 89/113 updates complete.

virtio-block or virtio-scsi?
which windows guest driver version for that?

> I can't say my Linux guests are blisteringly fast, but updating a guest
> from RHEL 6.3 fresh install to 6.5 took about 25 minutes.
> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know - I haven't found any tuning
> docs for Windows guests that could explain this issue.
> Thanks,
> *Steve Dainard *
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