[Users] Almost there... I can't bring up a VM

William Kwan potatok at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 6 17:38:15 UTC 2014

clean the engine log and look at the process of starting the VM again.  Please let me know if it looks right.

I truncated them and listed below.

START, CreateVmVDSCommand(HostName = onode1, HostId = 5145362f-0f97-4ed .... vm=VM [testvm04]), log id: 39d4ce34
START, CreateVDSCommand(HostName = onode1, HostId = 5145362f-0f97-... vm=VM [testvm04]), log id: 3398c7f2
org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.CreateVDSCommand spiceSslCipherSuite=DEFAULT,memSize=8192,kvmEnable=true,smp=2,vmType=kvm,emulatedMachine=rhel6.4.0,

FINISH, CreateVDSCommand, log id: 3398c7f2
Lock freed to object EngineLock [exclusiveLocks= key: b4867838-561e- .....

Correlation ID: 7d96779c, Job ID: e6612538-f5f8-4bc5-bdf2-5421944eed66, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: VM testvm04 was started by admin at internal (Host: onode1).

VM testvm04 b4867838-561e-491e-bb00-5c2ce3828b83 moved from WaitForLaunch --> PoweringUp

START, FullListVdsCommand(HostName = onode1, HostId = 5145362f-0f97-4edf-a... log id: 5364ff16

FINISH, FullListVdsCommand, return: [Ljava.util.HashMap;@ba72820, log id: 5364ff16

Then all I got is some messages about gluster 
START, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = onode1, HostId = 5145362f-0f97-4edf-a23f-592ff2c74d3f), log id: 524eed0c
FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand, return: {5e0cc386-7b05-4356-b9cd-c03252ba5878=org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeEntity at 9a0e048d}, log id: 524eed0c
START, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = onode1, HostId = 5145362f-0f97-4edf-a23f-592ff2c74d3f), log id: 7e059f4f
FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand, return: {5e0cc386-7b05-4356-b9cd-c03252ba5878=org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeEntity at fb525bcb}, log id: 7e059f4f
. Failed to invoke scheduled method gluster_async_task_poll_event: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor72.invoke(Unknown Source) [:1.7.0_45]
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) [rt.jar:1.7.0_45]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.JobWrapper.execute(JobWrapper.java:60) [scheduler.jar:]
        at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213) [quartz.jar:]
        at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run(SimpleThreadPool.java:557) [quartz.jar:]
Caused by: org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.VdcBLLException: VdcBLLException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VDSNetworkException: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: <type 'exceptions.Exception'>:method "glusterTasksList" is not supported (Failed with error VDS_NETWORK_ERROR and code 5022)
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsHandler.handleVdsResult(VdsHandler.java:122) [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VDSBrokerFrontendImpl.RunVdsCommand(VDSBrokerFrontendImpl.java:33) [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster.tasks.GlusterTasksService.runVdsCommand(GlusterTasksService.java:60) [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster.tasks.GlusterTasksService.getTaskListForCluster(GlusterTasksService.java:28) [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster.GlusterTasksSyncJob.updateTasksInCluster(GlusterTasksSyncJob.java:67) [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster.GlusterTasksSyncJob.updateGlusterAsyncTasks(GlusterTasksSyncJob.java:56) [bll.jar:]
        ... 6 more


On Monday, January 6, 2014 12:05 PM, William Kwan <potatok at yahoo.com> wrote:

I see that It takes 99% to 100% inside ovirt.

I tried to run virt-view, `virt-viewer -- testvm05`, it is asking for passwd.  I'm not sure what is the pw. ovirt pass?

I found this URL 
# vdsClient -s onode1 list table
b4867838-561e-491e-bb00-5c2ce3828b83  10172  testvm04             Paused

I set pw with 

`vdsClient -s onode1 setVmTicket b4867838-561e-491e-bb00-5c2ce3828b83 abc123 0 keep`

virt-view doesnt' like the password either.
"UNalbe to authenticate with remote desktop server at 0:5900 Authentication failed"

On Monday, January 6, 2014 11:49 AM, Itamar Heim <iheim at redhat.com> wrote:
On 01/06/2014 06:34 PM, William Kwan wrote:

> I can't get an idea where the VM is actually running on doing what even
> the CPU gauge shows that it is using a great percentage of the allocated
> cpu power.

it could be a VM stuck in boot screen ("dos mode"), taking 100% cpu, and 
simply having a black screen?
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