[Users] Move disk to new AIO?

Blaster blaster at 556nato.com
Sun Jan 19 06:10:28 UTC 2014

On Jan 17, 2014, at 4:59 PM, Itamar Heim <iheim at redhat.com> wrote:

> well, you can put two clusters of different hardware in the same DC, then simply 'edit vm' and move it to the other cluster?

Well, I actually wanted to move the physical disk.  There was 2TB of data on it, and I didn’t want to move it via a GB network connection.  

I ended up doing it using basically the method I posted yesterday…I shutdown the old oVirt system, moved the disk to the new system.  Created a new data domain on the disk, then created new VMs and disks in the new data domain, after the new disk was created, I just moved it from the directory of the old data domain/VM into the new one and fired up the VM.

Instead of waiting hours and hours for 2TB of data to be copied, I moved my 4 VMs in a few minutes.

A way to attach an existing on-disk VM image is really needed.

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