[Users] Disk error
Koen Vanoppen
vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 07:04:50 UTC 2014
Ok.. All together:
The problems:
Error while executing action:
- Cannot remove VM. Disk KV-virt-v2v_Disk2 is being moved or copied.
- Cannot remove VM. Disk LargeTemplate_Disk1 is being moved or copied
Error while executing action:
- Cannot hot unplug Virtual Machine Disk. Disk KV-virt-v2v_Disk2 is
being moved or copied.
Error while executing action:
- Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk KV-virt-v2v_Disk2 is being moved or
- Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk LargeTemplate_Disk1 is being moved or
Database queries:
engine=# SELECT image_guid from vm_images_view where imagestatus=2;
(0 rows)
engine=# select status,snapshot_id from snapshots where status ilike
'%LOCKED%' ;
status | snapshot_id
(0 rows)
engine=# select vm_names,disk_id,disk_alias,imagestatus from all_disks
where imagestatus = 2;
vm_names | disk_id | disk_alias | imagestatus
(0 rows)
Help.... please....
2014/1/21 Koen Vanoppen <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
> And if I do this:
> bash-4.1$ ./unlock_entity.sh -t snapshot -s localhost -p 5432 -d engine -u
> postgres -r -v
> Usage: unlock_entity.sh -t TYPE [-h] [-s SERVERNAME [-p PORT]] [-d
> DATABASE] [-u USERNAME] [-l LOGFILE] [-r] [-q] [-v] ENTITIES
> -t TYPE - The object type {vm | template | disk | snapshot}
> -s SERVERNAME - The database servername for the database (def.
> localhost)
> -p PORT - The database port for the database (def. 5432)
> -d DATABASE - The database name (def. engine)
> -u USERNAME - The username for the database (def. engine)
> -l LOGFILE - The logfile for capturing output (def.
> unlock_entity.sh.log)
> -r - Recursive, unlocks all disks under the selected
> vm/template.
> -q - Query db and display a list of the locked entites.
> -v - Turn on verbosity (WARNING:
> lots of output)
> -h - This help text.
> ENTITIES - The list of object names in case of vm/template, UUIDs
> in case of a disk
> He just keeps giving me the explanation.... (I choose snapshot, because I
> think there lies the root of the problem)
> 2014/1/21 Koen Vanoppen <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>> Ok,
>> I think the disk aren't locked...:
>> engine=# SELECT vm_name from vms where vm_guid =
>> (SELECT vm_guid FROM
>> vm_images_view where imagestatus = 2);
>> vm_name
>> ---------
>> (0 rows)
>> Kind regards,
>> Koen
>> 2014/1/21 Koen Vanoppen <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>> Hello,
>>> We are almost to the solution, in fact I think we have the solution with
>>> the unlocking for the disk in the database. But can anybody tell me how to
>>> do this in postgres? Thanx in advance!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Koen
>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com>
>>>> since the error suggests that the disk is locked, and UI is reporting
>>>> that it's not, it seems that the issue is with some table in the db which
>>>> still has the disk marked as locked while the disk status is taken from a
>>>> different table.
>>>> Allon, any idea what table this can be?
>>>> On 01/20/2014 11:21 AM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
>>>>> Status ok...
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> and what is the snapshot/disk status in the UI?
>>>>> On 01/20/2014 11:08 AM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
>>>>> Error while executing action:
>>>>> KV-virt-v2v:
>>>>> * Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk KV-virt-v2v_Disk2 is being
>>>>> moved or
>>>>> copied.
>>>>> * Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk LargeTemplate_Disk1 is being
>>>>> moved or
>>>>> copied.
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Koen Vanoppen <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> Yes, it did. Twice actually. But I already tried that one.
>>>>> This is
>>>>> the result:
>>>>> Error while executing action:
>>>>> KV-virt-v2v:
>>>>> * Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk KV-virt-v2v_Disk2 is
>>>>> being moved
>>>>> or copied.
>>>>> * Cannot remove Snapshot. Disk LargeTemplate_Disk1 is
>>>>> being
>>>>> moved or copied.
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> you said that you shut down the vm after you tried
>>>>> migrating?
>>>>> can you look at the vm in the UI and see if you have a
>>>>> snapshot created during the migration?
>>>>> if so, can you try to delete just the snapshot?
>>>>> On 01/20/2014 10:58 AM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
>>>>> [root at soyuz ~]# lvs | grep
>>>>> ff674bce-aa94-4b46-9f9d-d4182eab1e49
>>>>> Couldn't find device with uuid
>>>>> Y5m0SH-HbWl-8PNL-fGkk-oXNF-WyQk-Snhncm.
>>>>> ff674bce-aa94-4b46-9f9d-d4182eab1e49
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-f79c128751e2 -wi-ao---
>>>>> 50,00g
>>>>> Maybe it's already to another hypervisor or disk
>>>>> domain?
>>>>> If there is a *SAVE* way to remove these two disk,
>>>>> tell
>>>>> me. The data on it it's not THAT important.
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> the disk ff674bce-aa94-4b46-9f9d-d4182eab1e49
>>>>> does not
>>>>> exist in
>>>>> the domain - which is the master domain
>>>>> My guess that it has to do with the failed
>>>>> migration.
>>>>> can you run lvs and grep for
>>>>> ff674bce-aa94-4b46-9f9d-d4182eab1e49
>>>>> lets see where this disk is...
>>>>> On 01/20/2014 10:44 AM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
>>>>> [root at soyuz ~]# vdsClient -s 0
>>>>> getStorageDomainInfo
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-f79c128751e2
>>>>> uuid =
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-f79c128751e2
>>>>> vguuid =
>>>>> i6QHH9-1fZR-HLcn-6Xuo-7jU7-66iu-iuzWfQ
>>>>> lver = 13
>>>>> state = OK
>>>>> version = 3
>>>>> role = Master
>>>>> pool =
>>>>> ['5849b030-626e-47cb-ad90-3ce782d831b3']
>>>>> spm_id = 1
>>>>> type = ISCSI
>>>>> class = Data
>>>>> master_ver = 1
>>>>> name = StoragePoolEva01
>>>>> Thanx for the help!
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron <dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>>>
>>>>> can you please run:
>>>>> vdsClient -s 0 getStorageDomainInfo
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-f79c128751e2
>>>>> On 01/20/2014 10:33 AM, Koen Vanoppen
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> [root at soyuz ~]# vdsClient -s 0
>>>>> getStorageDomainsList
>>>>> f3fd055b-2764-44ed-9d77-
>>>>> 81bd58984842
>>>>> 94de241c-bf5c-4630-9af3-
>>>>> 7e31b902ae77
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-
>>>>> f79c128751e2
>>>>> 50cf24a4-d1ef-4105-a9a5-
>>>>> b81d91339175
>>>>> 83b1867f-4aea-400e-9ce0-
>>>>> efbd5add4216
>>>>> (soyuz=vdsmhost3)
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Dafna Ron
>>>>> <dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>>>>
>>>>> let's try to sift through :)
>>>>> can you run vdsClient -s 0
>>>>> getStorageDomainsList?
>>>>> On 01/20/2014 09:52 AM, Meital
>>>>> Bourvine wrote:
>>>>> It seems that your setup is
>>>>> completely messed
>>>>> up. I
>>>>> see the
>>>>> following 3 errors all the
>>>>> time (I
>>>>> couldn't
>>>>> actually
>>>>> find the
>>>>> live storage migration
>>>>> error,
>>>>> since there are
>>>>> too many
>>>>> errors):
>>>>> Thread-118::ERROR::2014-01-20
>>>>> 07:59:17,066::sampling::355::vm.Vm::(collect)
>>>>> vmId=`f8c6190c-b722-4fcd-af17-21572151fcef`::Stats
>>>>> function
>>>>> failed:
>>>>> <AdvancedStatsFunction
>>>>> _highWrite at
>>>>> 0x27b41b8>
>>>>> Traceback (most recent
>>>>> call last):
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/sampling.py", line
>>>>> 351, in collect
>>>>> statsFunction()
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/sampling.py", line 226, in
>>>>> __call__
>>>>> retValue =
>>>>> self._function(*args, **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py",
>>>>> line 509, in
>>>>> _highWrite
>>>>> if not
>>>>> vmDrive.blockDev or
>>>>> vmDrive.format
>>>>> != 'cow':
>>>>> AttributeError: 'Drive'
>>>>> object has no
>>>>> attribute 'format'
>>>>> PolicyEngine::DEBUG::2014-01-20
>>>>> 07:59:17,198::libvirtconnection::108::
>>>>> libvirtconnection::(wrapper)
>>>>> Unknown libvirterror:
>>>>> ecode: 8
>>>>> edom: 10 level:
>>>>> 2 message:
>>>>> invalid argument: cannot
>>>>> set
>>>>> memory higher
>>>>> than max memory
>>>>> PolicyEngine::ERROR::2014-01-20
>>>>> 07:59:17,199::vm::4359::vm.Vm::(reportError)
>>>>> vmId=`ce626f90-41c4-4417-9e53-bf4066ad062d`::Set
>>>>> new
>>>>> balloon
>>>>> target failed
>>>>> Traceback (most recent
>>>>> call last):
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py",
>>>>> line 4371, in
>>>>> setBalloonTarget
>>>>> self._dom.setMemory(target)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py",
>>>>> line 835, in f
>>>>> ret = attr(*args,
>>>>> **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/vdsm/
>>>>> libvirtconnection.py",
>>>>> line
>>>>> 76, in wrapper
>>>>> ret = f(*args,
>>>>> **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/libvirt.py", line
>>>>> 1410, in setMemory
>>>>> if ret == -1: raise
>>>>> libvirtError
>>>>> ('virDomainSetMemory()
>>>>> failed', dom=self)
>>>>> libvirtError: invalid
>>>>> argument:
>>>>> cannot set memory
>>>>> higher than
>>>>> max memory
>>>>> Thread-51::ERROR::2014-01-20
>>>>> 07:59:22,109::sampling::355::vm.Vm::(collect)
>>>>> vmId=`493128c0-aba9-4b38-bf18-2778b910917f`::Stats
>>>>> function
>>>>> failed:
>>>>> <AdvancedStatsFunction
>>>>> _highWrite at
>>>>> 0x27b41b8>
>>>>> Traceback (most recent
>>>>> call last):
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/sampling.py", line
>>>>> 351, in collect
>>>>> statsFunction()
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/sampling.py", line 226, in
>>>>> __call__
>>>>> retValue =
>>>>> self._function(*args, **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py",
>>>>> line 513, in
>>>>> _highWrite
>>>>> self._vm._dom.blockInfo(vmDrive.path, 0)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py",
>>>>> line 835, in f
>>>>> ret = attr(*args,
>>>>> **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/vdsm/
>>>>> libvirtconnection.py",
>>>>> line
>>>>> 76, in wrapper
>>>>> ret = f(*args,
>>>>> **kwargs)
>>>>> File
>>>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/libvirt.py", line
>>>>> 1797, in blockInfo
>>>>> if ret is None: raise
>>>>> libvirtError
>>>>> ('virDomainGetBlockInfo() failed', dom=self)
>>>>> libvirtError: invalid
>>>>> argument:
>>>>> invalid path
>>>>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/
>>>>> f8ddd1d1-5266-493b-879b-f79c128751e2/images/b8da8541-
>>>>> 9a0d-4c18-8aa8-50fc6225f18a/ff674bce-aa94-4b46-9f9d-d4182eab1e49
>>>>> not assigned to domain
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>>> *From: *"Koen Vanoppen"
>>>>> <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> vanoppen.koen at gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>>>
>>>>> *To: *users at ovirt.org
>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org>
>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org <mailto:users at ovirt.org>>
>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org
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>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org
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>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org
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>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org <mailto:users at ovirt.org>>
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>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org <mailto:users at ovirt.org>
>>>>> <mailto:users at ovirt.org <mailto:users at ovirt.org>>>>>, "Meital
>>>>> Bourvine"
>>>>> <mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>>>
>>>>> *Sent: *Monday,
>>>>> January 20,
>>>>> 2014 9:39:10 AM
>>>>> *Subject: *Re: [Users]
>>>>> Disk error
>>>>> vdsm-4.13.0-11.el6.x86_64
>>>>> :-)
>>>>> 2014/1/20 Meital
>>>>> Bourvine
>>>>> <mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>>>>
>>>>> First of all, I
>>>>> opened a
>>>>> bug about 'Drive'
>>>>> object has no
>>>>> attribute 'format':
>>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1055437
>>>>> Please send me the
>>>>> output
>>>>> of `rpm -q
>>>>> vdsm` so I'll
>>>>> update the
>>>>> version in the bug.
>>>>> Also, it's better
>>>>> to send
>>>>> the logs to
>>>>> the list
>>>>> (and
>>>>> not only
>>>>> to me), so more
>>>>> people
>>>>> will be able to
>>>>> help
>>>>> you debug it.
>>>>> ----- Original
>>>>> Message -----
>>>>> > From: "Dafna Ron"
>>>>> <dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
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>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
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>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com> <mailto:dron at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:dron at redhat.com>>>>>>>
>>>>> > To: "Meital
>>>>> Bourvine"
>>>>> <mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:mbourvin at redhat.com>>>>>>>
>>>>> > Cc: "Koen
>>>>> Vanoppen"
>>>>> <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> vanoppen.koen at gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.
>>>>> com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>> vanoppen.koen at gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>>>>, users at ovirt.org
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>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> > Sent: Monday,
>>>>> January
>>>>> 20, 2014
>>>>> 8:49:32 AM
>>>>> > Subject: Re:
>>>>> [Users]
>>>>> Disk error
>>>>> >
>>>>> > from the errors
>>>>> you are
>>>>> getting,
>>>>> disk status
>>>>> in db
>>>>> is locked.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 01/20/2014
>>>>> 08:38 AM,
>>>>> Meital
>>>>> Bourvine wrote:
>>>>> > > Hi Koen,
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > What is the
>>>>> error that
>>>>> you got
>>>>> when live
>>>>> storage
>>>>> migration
>>>>> failed?
>>>>> > > Can you please
>>>>> attach
>>>>> vdsm.log and
>>>>> engine.log
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > *From:
>>>>> *"Koen Vanoppen"
>>>>> <vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com>>>>>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.
>>>>> com>
>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
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>>>>> <mailto:vanoppen.koen at gmail.com
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