[ovirt-users] oVirt 3.5 Test Day 1 Results

Martin Perina mperina at redhat.com
Wed Jul 2 03:13:33 EDT 2014


I tested these features:

  1073453 - OVIRT35 - [RFE] add Debian 7 to the list of operating systems when creating a new vm
    Info: Debian 7 is listed in OS in new VM dialog
    Result: success

  1047624 - OVIRT35 - [RFE] support BIOS boot device menu
    Info: Boot menu has to be enabled in Edit VM dialog Boot options tab Enable boot menu. Once enabled,
          user can press F12 and select boot device in the same way as in standard BIOS
    Result: success

During test I found these issues:

  1) Engine installation problem on Centos 6.5
          Package ovirt-engine-userportal-3.5.0-0.0.master.20140629172257.git0b16ed7.el6.noarch.rpm is not signed
     After disabling GPG signature check in /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.5.repo, installation continues fine.

  2) Engine installation problem on Centos 6.5
     Engine indirectly depends on batik packaged, but xmlgraphics-batik is installed instead of it.
     I created a bug [1]

  3) Packages ioprocess and python-ioprocess are not available in oVirt repository for 3.5 beta (even they are
     available in master-snapshot-static repository).
     Created a ticket for infra https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/205


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1114921

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