[ovirt-users] Problem installing Ubuntu Guest Agent

Bob Doolittle bob at doolittle.us.com
Wed Jul 2 10:31:45 EDT 2014

Thanks, that works a treat :)

Will somebody be updating the wiki page?

I'm still mystified by something though. I can't get copy/paste to work 
in/out of my guest console, and console performance (terminal scrolling) 
seems very sluggish.

According to this page:

I need the "Spice Agent". The table says Spice drivers should be 
pre-installed, if I understand it properly [1]. Is that sufficient, or 
is there an agent executable I must install as well [2]? My kernel is 


[1] Row 2 and row 3 use different terminology ("Built in" vs "Yes"). 
It's not clear if they mean the same thing. If they do, consistent 
terminology would clarify. If they don't, some extra description or 
links seem necessary to clarify.

[2] Similar to [1] there's the Spice Driver/Agent terminology confusion. 
If they mean the same thing we should use consistent terms. If they are 
separate, the agent seems to need a 4th row in the table showing 
where/how to get it.

On 07/02/2014 10:13 AM, Vinzenz Feenstra wrote:
> wgethttp://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:evilissimo:ubuntu:14.04/xUbuntu_12.04/Release.key

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