[ovirt-users] Migrate from one system to another.

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue Jul 8 09:43:58 EDT 2014

On 07/08/2014 12:54 AM, John Gardeniers wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> Thanks but that's really not a workable solution for us. I'm surprised
> there's no cleaner export/import mechanism. This is the only
> virtualization system I'm familiar with doesn't have a simple and
> straightforward way to export a VM to an external system.
> On the subject of support, my comments are related only to my personal
> experiences. Also, there's a huge difference between Red Hat and Ovirt -
> the Ovirt people care. :)

a lot of the oVirt people are RHEV people too. We care about both.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, and hope it will improve.

there are several items in this area being worked on:
- Glance integration (available in 3.3) - allows you to export/import
   disks to a glance service. the glance service can be connected to
   multiple engine's concurrently.

- as Sven mentioned, upcoming in 3.5, ability to attach/detach whole
   storage domains.

- still being discussed - ability to upload/download disks/vm's, and
   ability to concurrently use simple nfs/posix shares.

the glance option may be relevant to you, otherwise, 
export-ship-files-import it is (or detach the export domain and attach 
to the other engine)

> regards,
> John
> On 07/07/14 16:52, Sven Kieske wrote:
>> Well, what you can do, is:
>> export this vm to an export domain, detach the domain from your DC,
>> than tar.gz the whole export domain (use the sparse option if you got
>> thin provisioned disks)
>> then upload that tar.gz they have to put it on their storage, extract
>> and import the export storage domain, then import the vm.
>> HTH
>> PS: But I can't believe the redhat support is so bad, after all the
>> "ovirt support" is pretty good.
>> Am 07.07.2014 00:12, schrieb John Gardeniers:
>>>> We each make some shared
>>> resources available to the other, so the normal method we use to
>>> transfer files is we upload them to a shared directory at the other end.
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