[ovirt-users] oVirt-engine-reports can not open from Dashbord lable of Administration Portal page ; dialog of input Controls of oVirt reports problem

Shirly Radco sradco at redhat.com
Mon Jul 21 03:54:47 EDT 2014


Please state what ovirt version you installed. 
Run: rpm -qa ovirt\* 

You should have installed both ovirt-engine-dwh and ovirt-engine-reports. 
The ovirt-engine-dwh is for collacting the data to the ovirt_engine_history db 
and the ovirt-engine-reports is for the reporting.
The error you see in the dashboard means you have a pro 

The input controls should be dropdown lists. 
Running engine-setup again usually regenerates the reports jars and solves the problem. 
The jar files are usually locataed under /var/lib/ovirt-engine-reports/ovirt-engine-reports.war/WEB-INF/lib 


Please check they indeed update after running the engine-setup again. 

Best regards,
Shirly Radco 
BI Software Engineer 

----- Original Message ----- 

> From: cuiyangor at 163.com
> To: "users" <users at ovirt.org>
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 6:08:22 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] oVirt-engine-reports can not open from Dashbord lable
> of Administration Portal page ; dialog of input Controls of oVirt reports
> problem

> Hi all :
> I'm using the oVirt engine and reports. I used the commond form the web sit
> to intall the oVirt engine and oVirt engine report.
> I have two main questions about reports part:
> No 1, I can not open the Dashbord lable from Adminstration Portal. The page
> show "Page Not Found" "Specified page not found", as shown in the following
> image . How to fix the problem?

> No 2, When I login the oVirt Reports, open the dialog of input Controls as
> shown in the following image . I found that the dialog can not input any
> word or number and can not choose the "07/21/14" or other options. click the
> "apply" button, the dialog do not dispeard. I found the page miss the "
> jquery-1.10.2.min.map " file , and download from internet and put the right
> path, but still the same. How to fix the problem?

> Thank you!

> cuiyangor at 163.com

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