[ovirt-users] Misc architecture questions

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at redhat.com
Tue Jul 29 05:51:23 EDT 2014

Il 29/07/2014 09:38, Maël Lavault ha scritto:
> Le mercredi 23 juillet 2014 à 01:09 +0300, Itamar Heim a écrit :
>> On 07/17/2014 11:14 AM, Maël Lavault wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm a student currently doing my final study project based around Ovirt.
>>> I played a lot with Ovirt to have an overview of what could or could not
>>> be done, but I still have a few questions and stuff I want to clarify.
>>> My project consist of a HA architecture using Ovirt, powered by 8
>>> reasonably powerful servers (4 x Quad core Opteron, 32Go RAM, 2x10k RPM
>>> HDD) equipped with 2 NIC each.
>>> I followed this tutorial to use Ovirt with GlusterFS :
>>> http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/05/ovirt-3-4-glusterized/
>>> Worked well !
>>> I installed 2 self hosted engine on 2 different servers and a GlusterFS
>>> using 2 other servers.
>>> But since we had only 2 x 1Gb NIC per server, we decided to go with
>>> bonding and VLAN to separate each networks inspired by this blog post :
>>> http://captainkvm.com/2013/04/maximizing-your-10gb-ethernet-in-rhev/
>>> Unfortunately, it seems like Ovirt 3.4 does not support installing
>>> self-hosted engine on bond + vlan. I tried 3.5 but there were to much
>>> bug to be usable and the project is set to be deployed in 2 months.
>> should be available via:
>> http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/29730/
>> ?
>>> A colleague suggested me a workaround using OpenvSwitch between Ovirt
>>> and NIC bond to "translate tagged packet into non tagged packet" and
>>> hide the bond from Ovirt. Does this have a chance to work ?
>>> Since the GlusterFS is accessed by NFS, I was able to bond the two
>>> servers.
>>> A few questions :
>>> - What is the purpose of ovirtmgmt network ? I did a lot of search by
>>> haven't found any clear explanation. Does it need to be publicly
>>> accessible or a private ip is fine too ?
>> just what engine used to communicate to hosts.
>> also, by default, the display network and vm network.
>>> - Is the display network used for SPICE/VNC connection ?
>> yes.
>>> - How do Ovirt differentiate VM network from a storage network ? They
>>> both have the same vm role in the interface. Both networks could
>>> (should) be on private ip range right ?
>> that depends on you deploying them on different networks?
>>> - How can I add the storage network after (or before, would be better)
>>> self hosted engine is installed ? (Since self hosted engine is stored on
>>> Gluster, I will loose connection to the engine)
>> configure it on host B. move hosted engine to host B. configure it on 
>> host A?
>>> - Using self hosted engine, does all my nodes need to be installed with
>>> hosted-engine --deploy, or can I have only 2 self hosted engine nodes
>>> and 4 classic nodes ?
>> you can have 2 self hosted and 50 classic nodes as well.
>> no need to match hosted engine to the entire cluster (nor is hosted 
>> engine tested with being deployed on 50 hosts...)
>>> - I'm trying to cleanly re-install the second hosted engine after some
>>> experiments, but the behavior is strange :
>>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Transaction commit
>>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Closing up
>>>            To continue make a selection from the options below:
>>>            (1) Continue setup - engine installation is complete
>>>            (2) Power off and restart the VM
>>>            (3) Abort setup
>>> Isn't this supposed to give me information to connect to the vm so i can
>>> install the engine ?
>> sandro/didi?
>>> Thanks a lot for this truly well made software !
>> thank you for using it.
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> Thanks !! 
> So I did a fresh install with oVirt 3.4.3
> I configured my bond before installing oVirt and was able to install
> without a hitch. 
> It becomes more complicated afterward. I still want to use VLANs on top
> of my bond, but with hosted engine I can't configure this properly.

Please open a bug, attaching hosted-engine-setup logs and vdsm logs.
I would like to track why you can't configure it properly.

> If I change the vlan tag in oVirt interface, I lost connection to the
> engine, and also the network config is messed up or incomplete after, I
> also can't add new nic card to self hosted engine vm (it says the vm is
> not managed by the engine ?!?)

This seems to be a different issue, maybe worth another bz.

> My port are configured as trunk allowing VLAN 1,3,4 (1: public, 3: nfs,
> 4: ovirtmgmt, that's for testing purpose)
> Should I also configure my Vlan manually before installing oVirt (eg:
> bond0.1, bond0.3 and bond0.4) ?

I've never tested mixed bond and vlans on my system so not sure about what happens there.

> Second hosted engine install fine now.


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Sandro Bonazzola
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