[ovirt-users] oVirt 3.5 test day 2 results - NUMA

Gilad Chaplik gchaplik at redhat.com
Wed Jul 30 07:56:06 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin Perina" <mperina at redhat.com>
> To: devel at ovirt.org, "Users at ovirt.org List" <users at ovirt.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:26:49 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] oVirt 3.5 test day 2 results - NUMA
> Hi,
> I tried to test NUMA feature. Unfortunately the feature has no UI yet,
> so I tested just db content and REST API calls:
> 1) Two NUMA hosts added to 3.5 cluster with shared NFS storage using webadmin
> 2) Database:
>      a) Both hosts have is_numa_supported=true, auto_numa_balancing=1 in
>      vds_dynamic table
>      b) Both hosts have 2 records in numa_nodes tables (consistent with
>      numactl info)
>      c) Both hosts have 24 records in numa_node_cpu_map, 12 per numa node
>      (consistent with numactl info)
> 3) REST API:
>     a) URL /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/{HOST_ID} contains numa related data:
>          <auto_numa_status>enable</auto_numa_status>
>          <numa_supported>true</numa_supported>
>     b) URL /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/{HOST_ID}/numanodes works (consistent with
>     numactl info)
>     c) URL /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/{HOST_ID}/numanodes/{NODE_ID}/statistics
>     works
> 4) Installed two VMs (one RHEL 6, one RHEL 7), both requires 16GB of RAM,
> with balloon enabled
>    and 8GB guarantied.
> 5) Database:
>     a) Both vms have numatune_mode=preferred in vm_static
> 6) REST API for VM related data:
>    a) URL /ovirt-engine/api/vms/{VM_ID} contains numa related data:
>         <numa_tune_mode>preferred</numa_tune_mode>
>    b) URL /ovirt-engine/api/vms/{VM_ID}/numanodes works, but returns only:
>         <vm_numa_nodes/>

thanks for the elaborate report, few question: 

What was reported in the element?
Did you pin the nodes? 

> 6) VMs migration between hosts worked fine

VM migration with/out numa pinning?

> Martin Perina
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