[ovirt-users] SLA : RAM scheduling
noc at nieuwland.nl
Wed Jun 11 06:16:21 EDT 2014
On 28-5-2014 17:37, Gilad Chaplik wrote:
>>> make sure to edit the file with your ovirt's ip, user at domain and PW.
>> My engine API can't be reached in http, so there is some work to do this
>> with https. Here is what I did : according to
>> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovirtsdk/api.py, I add insecure=True to
>> the chain
>> connection = API(url='http*s*://host:port',
>> username='user at domain',
>> password=''*insecure='True'*)
>> Maybe it is not enough and it would be useful to add
>> validate_cert_chain=False...
> Martin?
>>> 3) restart proxy service.
>>> 3) use config tool to configure ovirt-engine:
>>> * "ExternalSchedulerServiceURL"="http://<ip>:18781/"
>> The scheduler proxy listens to localhost:18781, none of ips that can be
>> filled here will be reached on that port.
> you config ovirt engine with the ip of the proxy, or I'm missing sth.
> ovirt communicates with the proxy and not the other way around.
I'm following this and found out that ovirt-scheduler-proxy only listens
on localhost so you'll need to adjust accordingly.
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