[ovirt-users] Engine HA?

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Wed Jun 11 16:07:18 EDT 2014

On 06/11/2014 04:16 AM, KevinTang at umac.mo wrote:
> Dear all,
> I know oVirt Host (VM) can be HA and cluster, all VM can be migrate
> between all operational Node.
> Since the main oVirt Engine is standalone, event shelf-hosted engine, it
> still is a single Engine.
> I want to ensure my Engine can be HA, how should I do? Do I need to
> create a Cluster Linux first?

hosted-engine has built-in HA mechanism for the engine, so if the host 
its running on has an issue, another host will launch the hosted engine.

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