[Users] oVirt in PAT - NAT environment

Jarno Puff relaxibus at akfree.it
Mon Mar 10 04:50:23 EDT 2014

Hello folks,

I know, this is a topic where you have spend a lots of words, but, after installing oVirt 3.3 and 3.4 on CentOS and let goign google search engine to become hot, I don´t found any solution for my environment.

My environment:

- dedicated server at "server4you.net" with CentOS 6
- Main IP (public) 82.25.xx.yy
- Addon IP (public) 62.75.xx.yy

What I will do:

- create VMs on a private network 192.x.y.z
- talk to the internet from the VMs (NAT)
- reach the VMs from the internet (PAT)
- reach the VMs via SSH from the host server

I found some "workarounds", but no one was easy to implement or the infos was not cobering all the aspects.

I have seen the possibility to use a "hook", but no user guide and step by step instruction found.

Looking forward to get a working solution :-)



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