[Users] Delete & Detach Logical Network

Moti Asayag masayag at redhat.com
Mon Mar 10 09:24:54 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tejesh M" <tejeshmk at gmail.com>
> To: "Moti Asayag" <masayag at redhat.com>, "users at oVirt.org" <users at ovirt.org>
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 1:22:08 PM
> Subject: Delete & Detach Logical Network
> Hi,
> I'm able to delete the logical network but this logical network after
> deletion shows as unmanaged network in "Setup Host Networks" against the
> hostnic.
> I tried with this code to detach the logical network.
> *Code 1:*
> HostNIC nic = api.getHosts().get("rhevhost").getHostNics().get("eth1");
> Action action = new Action();
> action.setNetwork(api.getNetworks().get(nw_name));
> action.setDetach(true);
> action.setCheckConnectivity(false);
> nic.detach(action);
> *Returns*:
> code  : 409
> reason: Conflict
> detail: Network Interface is not attached to Logical Network.

I can guess by the error message that the logical network 'rhevhost' is vlan,
so the proper interface should be the vlan device.

> *Code 2:*
> HostNIC nic = api.getHosts().get("rhevhost").getHostNics().get("eth1.1345");
> Action action = new Action();
> action.setNetwork(api.getNetworks().get(nw_name));
> action.setDetach(true);
> action.setCheckConnectivity(false);
> nic.detach(action);
> *Returns*:
> code  : 409
> reason: Conflict
> detail: Cannot edit Network while Host is Active, change the Host to
> Maintenance mode and try again.

This is the 3.0 api which required the host to be in maintenance for network
operations on the host. You could use setup networks instead which is the
recommended api and doesn't require the host to be in maintenance.

you can modify the example from [1] and set null for the network name you
wish to detach from the specific interface.

Try by replacing only lines 28-41 with:
HostNIC nic = nicsByNames.get("eth1.1345");

[1] https://motiasayag.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/invoke-setup-networks-from-the-java-sdk/

> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Tejesh

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