[Users] Reimporting storage domains after reinstalling ovirt

Jason Brooks jbrooks at redhat.com
Mon Mar 10 13:36:04 EDT 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Boudewijn Ector" <boudewijn at boudewijnector.nl>
> To: "Jason Brooks" <jbrooks at redhat.com>
> Cc: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 10:21:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [Users] Reimporting storage domains after reinstalling ovirt
> Hi Guys,
> Thank you very much Jason, Itamar, Gadi! I'm almost there thanks to your
> help.
> My steps were:
> - remove the old storageconnection:
> $ curl  -u "admin at internal:*****" -X DELETE
> -k
> I changed version 3 -> 0 in metadata file
> And did an import (export NFS):
> Currently the box is importing the VMs from the old to the new repository.
> But, there's still a last challenge to overcome:
> I had this VM with about 2TB storage attached on both my storage domains
> (I had another one too). This poses two different problems:
> - I can't import the VM from the first storage domain, since not all
> disks did reside on this single storage domain. This error pops up
> (which is  quite logical):
> Error while executing action:
> downloadbak:
>   * Cannot import VM. VM's Image does not exist.
> Yeah I know I shouldn't have split the VMs resources over multiple
> storage domains... I won't make that mistake again. Is there a way to
> move these disks from the second "old domain" to the first "old domain"
> so the VM can be reimported?
> Furthermore, my storage machine has about 1.4TB free disk space left.
> While importing, a copy of a VM is being made... and this particular one
> is 2TB. So I'm going to run out of disk space while doing so; is there a
> way to move instead of copy a VM while importing it?

Some people have reported success creating an image of the desired size,
then noting the name of this new image, and copying the old image into the
place of the new one, with the new name. Something like that might work, but
I don't have first-hand experience w/ it.


> Cheers (and thanks a lot for all the help, I really appreciate it!),
> Boudewijn

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