[Users] [RFI] GUI Changes for oVirt 4.0

Karli Sjöberg Karli.Sjoberg at slu.se
Wed Mar 19 03:02:41 EDT 2014

On Tue, 2014-03-18 at 10:39 -0400, Ted Miller wrote:
> On 3/18/2014 6:29 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> > we are brainstorming on what should we change in the oVirt UI for 4.0.
> > for current brainstorming phase, "anything goes" - i.e., I'd like us to 
> > ignore current limitations and flows, and envision/fantasize the "perfect 
> > solution".
> >
> > SO - what do YOU think we should consider for 4.0 UI concept, flows, etc.
> I have an idea, though it may be relevant only to smaller setups.
> I would like one place that I can go and see the health of my system. Right 
> now I am running a cluster in test mode, and I have to look at several places 
> before I have confidence that all is well:
> Data Center
> Storage (I am using gluster)
> Hosts
> VMs
> The natural place for me to look would seem to be the left bar. If the icons 
> there had a color change to reflect status, I could just hit "Expand All" and 
> the color would immediately tell me the system status. Same icons would work, 
> with just a background or little square of color.
> I realize that my little 3-host system is the exception, because (so far) I 
> can hit "Expand all" and I can still see the whole thing. I will not have to 
> deploy many more VMs before it will not all fit.
> There may be a better way to do this, e.g. another choice between "Expand 
> all" and "Collapse All" that would expand all except the lowest level. It 
> would then show me categories like "Storage", "Networks", "Hosts", "Volumes" 
> and "VMs" with a health color indication for each cluster. If I see anything 
> I am not expecting, I can expand that heading and see the status of the 
> individual items.
> There may be a better way to do this, but I know that it is somewhat 
> frustrating to check first thing in the morning and have to do some many 
> clicks before I have confidence that nothing bad happened overnight. I have 
> actually found it faster to click on the "Events" tab and see if there are 
> any nasty messages there, rather than checking current status.
> I look forward to the insights of others as to how they monitor cluster status.

+1 Really clever, I like:)

Perhaps just change the default of of the left bar to have some of the
top-level branches already expanded, like:

ˇ System
  ˇ Data Centers
    ˇ MyDC
      > Storage
      > Network
      > Clusters

With some indication of how they´re doing, to get a good health
overview. Maybe just use one of the standard exclamation marks, like
what´s attached in the mail?


> Ted Miller
> Elkhart, IN, USA
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