[Users] External user issues

Maurice James midnightsteel at msn.com
Wed Mar 26 13:04:32 EDT 2014

I may have to open a bug for this one, but im going to throw it out here anyway to see if anyone else has run in to it
3.4.0-0.13.rc.el6Connected to Active DirectoryGroups added to UI in:                  System >> UsersGroup VMadmins added
User Joe Smith is a member of group VMadmins in Active DIrectory
User Joe Smith can now login to the user portal.
If I look at the User tab in the admin portal I can see:
addomain.com/OU/VMadmins                                     @addomain.com
Joe                       Smith                                                 jsmith at addomain.com
All is well. After a several minutes I see the following change with the user

jsmith                   Smith                                               jsmith at addomain.com

When that change happens that user can no longer login until I delete that entry within the UI. Then the user can log in again and the entry look like:
Joe                       Smith                                                 jsmith at addomain.com 
What gives? 		 	   		  
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