[Users] Cloud-init for Windows

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Thu Mar 27 05:46:47 EDT 2014

On 03/27/2014 05:33 AM, Tejesh M wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was doing google to see if i can set Hostname,Password & IP details
> for Windows server from RHEV-M. I got to know that we can create VM
> Payload & send that to Windows VM (installed with Cloud-init)
> Refer this link
> http://www.cloudbase.it/cloud-init-for-windows-instances/#comment-9411
> Cloud-init expects Meta-data & User-Data file to be sent either via
> Config Drive or via HTTP. I'm trying to achive this via ConfigDrive
> (created using VM Payload).

note you can also just pass the full sysprep file as a payload yourself 
via the API, and set all these items in it.

> But i'm wondering what should be the format of this two files (Meta-data
> & User-data). Have any1  tried this? If yes, would request to share
> sample for both the files with setting Hostname, Password & IP details.

just launch a linux VM and check the file we create?

> Java code:
>    org.ovirt.engine.sdk.decorators.VM vm1 =  api.getVMs().get(vmName);
>                Payloads payloads = new Payloads();
>                Payload payload = new Payload();
>                payload.setType("cdrom");
>                Files payloadFiles = new Files();
>                File payloadFile = new File();
>                payloadFile.setName("meta-data.txt");
>                payloadFile.setContent("hostname:"+vmName);
>                payloadFiles.getFiles().add(payloadFile);
>                payload.setFiles(payloadFiles);
>                vm1.setPayloads(payloads);
>                Action action = new Action();
>                vm1.start(action);
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Tejesh

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