[Users] Cannot add IPA server to ovirt

Latchezar Filtchev Latcho at aubg.bg
Fri Mar 28 04:54:55 EDT 2014

Dear Demeter Tibor,

My ovirt 3.3 were successfully connected to FreeIPA server. Yesterday updated to ovirt 3.4. It works. My FreeIPA server is installed on 32-bit Fedora 19. Ovirt engine and virtualization nodes are CentOS 6.5. As far as I remember I was able to connect ovirt:

1.       without using --ldap-servers=

2.       –user=admin at mydoman.local<mailto:–user=admin at mydoman.local>

3.       You can use –interactive to be asked for your FreeIPA server admin password.
Hope this helps.


From: users-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces at ovirt.org] On Behalf Of Demeter Tibor
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 10:20 AM
To: users at ovirt.org
Subject: [Users] Cannot add IPA server to ovirt


I made an IPA server for testing purposes, but I cannot add to ovirt 3.4. The IPA server seems to be working good.

When I add IPA to ovirt, I get this error mesage:

[root at ovirttest etc]# engine-manage-domains add --domain=itsmart.local --user=admin --provider=ipa --ldap-servers=ldap1.itsmart.local,ldap2.itsmart.local
No KDC can be obtained for domain itsmart.local

What does mean this?

Can me help anyone?



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