[Users] Reimporting storage domains after reinstalling ovirt

Boudewijn Ector boudewijn at boudewijnector.nl
Sun Mar 9 16:04:55 UTC 2014

On 09-03-14 14:11, Vered Volansky wrote:
> Hi Boudewijn,
> First of all, the wiki page you are referring to is a feature page that was never implemented.
> We are currently working on the same feature, this is the correct feature page:
> http://www.ovirt.org/Features/ImportStorageDomain .
> I will ask that the irrelevant page be removed to avoid any further confusion.
> Second, currently, the only way to import a domain is to create an export domain and import it.
> Can you get the old setup-up and create an export domain?
> If not, we'll try to help and work around this is issue, but this is going to be very complex, since this is not supported.
> Just to have a general understanding of your setup - your storage on the same machine as ovirt engine?
> I'm assuming you're using web-admin.
> What exactly are you doing there? We don't have the import option there as you mentioned, so I don't understand how you could import an SD that was not export.
> Adding the entry to /etc/exports is meaningless.
> Do you have the ovfs of the old VMs available?
> In the meantime checking for an easier solution than the above, will get back to you on that.
> Regards,
> Vered
Dear Vered,

Thank you very much for your reply; I didn't expect this (at first hand)
simple action to be so hard/complex to perform.
My machine is indeed  a single machine containing both a node,
webinterface and storage.

The old setup has been reinstalled, so I can't get that one to work
anymore. On the other hand I do still have a database dump from it.
I'm using the webadmin indeed and if I go to storage there's a button
saying import domain. In the dialogue that pops up after pressing that
button it's mentioned that I should use a FQDN/IP notation which made me
expect that it uses NFS ;-).

Yes I do have ovf's, this is a directory listing from one of the storage

[root at leiden 1979444d-b79a-494c-8c1a-bcc132e31a04]# find

How should I go on recovering those VMs?



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