[Users] using cloud-init?

Jason Brooks jbrooks at redhat.com
Tue Mar 11 16:21:37 UTC 2014

Hi all --

I've been trying, without success, to use cloud-init w/ oVirt 3.4 on Fedora
19 hosts. I've had similar failure in the past, but here are the steps I'm
taking currently:

1. Import as template F19 image from ovirt-image-repository glance repo
2. Create new vm based on that template
3. Choose ovirtmgmt as the nic1 for the VM
4. Show advanced options, click initial run, expand authentication, enter
a root password, paste my public key into the allowed ssh keys field
5. Hit OK, and then run the VM
6. In the VM's console, I see it complain about No instance datasource found
7. Unsurprisingly, I can't log in w/ pw or ssh.

(By the way, are there any default creds for these images? I thought they might
be based on the fedora cloud images, but their default uname fedora pw nothing
doesn't work)

I've tried some other derivations of this, launching from the Run Once menu,
filling in various different fields, etc.

Any clues? 

I don't see many people complaining about this, so I'm assuming it's working
for other people. I don't know, maybe it's something with Fedora?

Thanks, Jason

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