[ovirt-users] [QE] oVirt 3.5.0 Alpha status

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at redhat.com
Fri May 2 05:43:41 EDT 2014

We're going to start composing oVirt 3.5.0 Alpha on 2014-05-09 08:00 UTC from master branches.

The bug tracker [1] shows the following proposed blockers to be reviewed:

Bug ID	Whiteboard	Status		Summary
1001100	integration	NEW		Add log gathering for a new ovirt module (External scheduler)
1073944	integration	ASSIGNED	Add log gathering for a new ovirt module (External scheduler)
1060198	integration	NEW		[RFE] add support for Fedora 20

Feature freeze was on 2014-05-01 and the following features should be testable in 3.5.0 Alpha according to Features Status Table [2]

infra		1054778	[RFE] Allow to perform fence operations from a host in another DC
infra		1090803	[RFE] Change the "Slot" field to "Service Profile" when cisco_ucs is selected as the fencing type
infra		1090794	[RFE] Search VMs based on MAC address from web-admin portal
infra		1090793	consider the event type while printing events to engine.log
infra		1090796	[RFE] Re-work engine ovirt-node host-deploy sequence
infra-api	1090797	[RFE] RESTAPI: Add /tags sub-collection for Template resource
infra		1090798	[RFE] Admin GUI - Add host uptime information to the "General" tab
infra		1090808	[RFE] Ability to dismiss alerts and events from web-admin portal
integration	1080402	Allow setup of iSCSI based storage for hosted engine
integration	1080992	websocket proxy running on separate host
network		1078836	Add a warning when adding display network
network		1079719	Display of NIC Slave/Bond fault on Event Log
storage		1054241	Store OVF on any domains
storage		1083312	Disk alias recycling in web-admin portal
virt		1058832	Allow to clone a (down) VM without snapshot/template
virt		1031040	can't set different keymap for vnc via runonce option
virt		1043471	oVirt guest agent for SLES
virt		1083049	add progress bar for vm migration
virt		1083065	EL 7 guest compatibility
virt			Allow guest serial number to be configurable
virt		1047624	[RFE] support BIOS boot device menu
virt		1083129	allows setting netbios name, locale, language and keyboard settings for windows vm's
virt		1080002	[RFE] Enable user defined Windows Sysprep file
infra-dwh	1091686	prevent OutOfMemoryError after starting the dwh service.

Some more features may be included since they were near to be completed on last sync meeting.
The table will be updated on next sync meeting scheduled for 2014-05-07.

There are still 284 bugs [3] targeted to 3.5.0.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 242 bugs [4] targeted to 3.5.0.

Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please remember to rebuild your packages before 2014-05-09 08:00 UTC if needed, otherwise nightly snapshot will be taken.
- If you find a blocker bug please remember to add it to the tracker [1]
- Please start filling release notes, the page has been created here [5]

All users:
- You're welcome to join us testing this alpha release and getting involved in oVirt Quality Assurance[6]!

[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1073943
[2] http://bit.ly/17qBn6F
[3] http://red.ht/1pVEk7H
[4] http://red.ht/1rLCJwF
[5] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes
[6] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Quality_Assurance


Sandro Bonazzola
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