[ovirt-users] New problem with hosted-engine during "Configuring the management bridge"

Bob Doolittle bob at doolittle.us.com
Tue May 13 12:27:31 EDT 2014


I have started a new installation as specified in the 3.4.1 release 
notes (fresh Fedora 19 install, yum localinstall 

This is failing in the step "Configuring the management bridge".

Based on the vdsm.log, it appears I am hitting:
*Bug 988995* <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=988995> -vdsm 
multipath.py restarts mutipathd, cutting the branch vdsm sits on

"multipath -F" is returning "invalid keyword: getuid_callout" and it 
appears that this is causing vdsm-tool to abort (although the command 
exit status is 0 and the bug report says that those are only harmless 

There is no workaround stated in that bug report.



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