[ovirt-users] oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2014-05-28

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Wed May 28 10:52:43 EDT 2014

Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-28-14.01.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-28-14.01.txt
Log:            http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-28-14.01.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 14:01:38 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-28-14.01.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 14:01:50)
  * infra update  (doron, 14:01:51)
  * 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:01:53)
  * 3.5 status  (doron, 14:01:54)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:01:56)
  * other topics  (doron, 14:01:57)

* infra update  (doron, 14:02:00)
  * some jenkins jobs are giving 404 when running. mail infra at ovirt.org
    or ping dcaro if you hit it.  (doron, 14:05:08)

* 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:05:28)
  * 3.4.2: no blockers, we should be on track. RC published yesterday
    (doron, 14:06:32)

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:08:46)
  * gluster missing 2 features for 3.5 plan, and require additional ~2
    weeks to complete.  (doron, 14:14:25)
  * infra 3.5 missing 4 features and require additional 2 weeks to
    conclude (Mid June).  (doron, 14:19:07)
  * integration 3.5 updates: Websocket proxy, DWH and Reports on
    separate hosts will need additional 2 weeks as well to conclude.
    (doron, 14:20:36)
  * network 3.5 updates: all features ready but 2.  (doron, 14:25:46)
  * node 3.5 updates: 2 features mostly done, but additional 1.5 weeks
    will be beneficial.  (doron, 14:29:34)
  * All SLA features are mostly done, but need additional time to
    conclude; so 2 weeks will help here as well.  (doron, 14:30:49)
  * UX team ready for 3.5 feature freeze.  (doron, 14:33:34)
  * virt 3.5 is mostly done. 3 last features needs some more time to
    converge. Probably less than a week.  (doron, 14:40:41)
  * ACTION: doron to post a suggestion to push feature freeze by 2 weeks
    in order to allow converging the last features.  (doron, 14:43:33)

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:43:53)
  * events & conferences: OpenStack Israel in June 2nd and oVirt will
    have a presence at OSCON in mid-July.  (doron, 14:45:10)
  * LinuxCon/CloudOpen in mid-August, as well as LinuxCon/CloudOpen/KVM
    Forum in October.  (doron, 14:45:28)
  * oVirt will be at USENIX LISA in September, though no talks were
    accepted.  (doron, 14:45:47)
  * bkp is oordinating with Fedora, CentOS communities to find local
    meetups that we might speak at and ideally "seed" our own meetup
    events.  (doron, 14:46:26)

* other topics  (doron, 14:46:42)
  * bkp finished a new oVirt feature article that will on Linux Weekly
    News (lwn.net) possibly as early as today  (doron, 14:48:23)

Meeting ended at 14:50:12 UTC.

Action Items
* doron to post a suggestion to push feature freeze by 2 weeks in order
  to allow converging the last features.

Action Items, by person
* doron
  * doron to post a suggestion to push feature freeze by 2 weeks in
    order to allow converging the last features.
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (109)
* oved (14)
* mskrivanek (13)
* lvernia (12)
* bkp (12)
* fabiand (9)
* awels (5)
* sahina (5)
* dcaro (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* everyone (1)
* lvernia_ (1)

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