[ovirt-users] Reg: Could not able to collect VCPU details for VMs

Rathidevi rathidevi at eginnovations.com
Thu May 8 14:48:17 UTC 2014

Hi Users,

I am using ovirt package for RHEV development. I can able collect the ipaddress, os, status and name of the virtual machines.
But i want the CPU details of all VMs. I tried this below method but i stil can not get cpu informations. I hope this can understand.
Please help to resolve this issue.

CPU cs = vm.getCpu();
CpuTune tune = cs.getCpuTune();
List<VCpuPin> ms = tune.getVCpuPin();
for(int vc=0; vc<ms.size(); vc++)
VCpuPin pin = (VCpuPin)ms.get(vc);

Note: getVcpu does not giving any output.

Thanks & Regards,
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