[ovirt-users] update vm in a pool

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue May 13 23:42:06 UTC 2014

On 05/13/2014 11:00 AM, nicola gentile wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am new user, and I would ask you an information.
> I have installed ovirt 3.4.
> I created a pool with 3 vm, too.
> I should add software to 3 vm how I must proceed?
> 1) I must delete the vm from pool, and than add the software and then
> recreate the pool?
> 2) or there are other solution?
> Thank you a lot.
> ng
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do you want to use the VMs as stateless or statefull?
did you use the pool to assign a single vm per user from user portal, or 
just to create a bunch of similar VMs?

3.4 has "template versions", so you can create a new version of the 
template, and next time you shutdown/start the VMs, they will rebase to 
latest version of the template if pool is so defined.

you can also install the application on the VM after you start it as an 
admin (which doesn't create the stateless snapshot by default like when 
a user starts the pool'd vm from the user portal).

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