[ovirt-users] Get involved in oVirt integration! November edition

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at redhat.com
Tue Nov 11 11:13:02 EST 2014

    have you got some free time and do you want to get involved in oVirt integration?
Here are a couple of bugs you can hopefully fix in less that one day or you can just try to reproduce providing info:

Bug 1080823 - [RFE] make override of iptables configurable when using hosted-engine
Bug 1065350 - hosted-engine should prompt a question at the user when the host was already a host in the engine
Bug 1059952 - hosted-engine --deploy (additional host) will fail if the engine is not using the default self-signed CA
Bug 1073421 - [RFE] allow additional parameter for engine-backup to omit audit_log data

You don't have programming skills but you want to contribute?
Here are some bugs you can take care of, also without writing a line of code:

Bug ID	Status	Whiteboard	Summary
1118354	NEW	integration	[RFE] Automated testing should prevent leaking sensitive data
1120585	NEW	integration	update image uploader documentation
1120586	NEW	integration	update iso uploader documentation
1120588	NEW	integration	update log collector documentation
1083104	NEW	integration	engine-setup --offline does not update versionlock
1074301	NEW	infra		[RFE] ovirt-shell has no man page

Do you prefer to write on the wiki?

Bug ID	Status		Summary
1099998	NEW		Hosted Engine documentation has several errors
1099995	NEW		Migrate to Hosted Engine How-To does not state all pre-reqs
1054303	NEW		Dead links in "Quick Start Guide"
1125933	NEW		Provide a way to change /ca.crt for non-self-signed certs
1111918	NEW		Suggest a repository for installing hosts with an external network provider
1127123	ASSIGNED	cannot figure out how to use show statistic
1142623	NEW		Feature page: AAA 3.5 needs to be updated
1142649	POST		Feature page: AdvancedForemanIntegration needs to be updated
1142671	POST		Feature page: CommandCoordinator needs to be updated
1142616	NEW		Feature page: Gluster Volume Capacity needs to be updated
1142803	NEW		Feature page: Generic Node Registration needs to be updated
1142639	NEW		Feature page: Features/Design/JsonRpc needs to be updated
1142822	NEW		Feature page: Support blkio SLA features needs to be updated
1142846	NEW		Feature page: oVirt Scheduler API needs to be updated
1142806	NEW		Feature page: Node Hosted Engine needs to be updated
1142814	NEW		Feature page: oVirt Appliance  needs to be updated
1142662	NEW		Feature page: PMHealthCheck needs to be updated
1142665	NEW		Feature page: Custom Fencing needs to be updated
1142652	NEW		Feature page: DetailedHostPMProxyPreferences needs to be updated
1142783	NEW		Feature page: Separate DWH Host needs to be updated
1111066	NEW		oVirt Hardening Guide
1074545	NEW		Error in API documentation: Create API object in python sdk

Is this the first time you try to contribute to oVirt project?
You can start from here [1][2]!
Don't know gerrit very well? You can find some more docs here [3].
Any other question about development? Feel free to ask on devel at ovirt.org or on irc channel[4].

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Develop
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/Working_with_oVirt_Gerrit
[3] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation
[4] http://www.ovirt.org/Community

Sandro Bonazzola
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