[ovirt-users] [oVirt-Users] Problems of ImportStorageDomain

Maor Lipchuk mlipchuk at redhat.com
Wed Nov 19 03:34:45 EST 2014

Hi Coffee,

The OVF_STORE disk sync the VMs and Templates data in an un-synchronous way every 60 minutes (see [1])
this might be the reason that sometime you see the entities candidate for import and sometime you don't. 

There are patches which sync the VMs/Templates data once the Storage Domain is being moved to maintenance
the bug is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1138124
the patch for fixing it is at http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/33158/

The REST examples can be found here:

To see the candidates for import you should use the following URL:

You should see also the links for unregistered Vms and Templates,
I will take a look at it now and let you know if this was fixed already.

At http://www.ovirt.org/Features/ImportStorageDomain#Restrictions: 
"For better sync of the entities in the Storage Domain with the OVF_STORE disk, it is better to update the OvfUpdateIntervalInMinutes option in vdc_options from 60 minutes to 2-5 minutes, as so : update vdc_options set option_value = 2 where option_name = 'OvfUpdateIntervalInMinutes'; (see [5])"


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Coffee Chou" <coffee.zyr at gmail.com>
> To: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 November, 2014 10:18:24 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] [oVirt-Users] Problems of ImportStorageDomain
> Hi, all
> I am testing the feature of ImprotStorageDomain recently, but meet some
> problems.
> http://www.ovirt.org/Features/ImportStorageDomain
> http://www.ovirt.org/Features/ImportUnregisteredEntities
> I have two setups: DC-A, DC-B, NFS storage: test-import
> My steps are:
> 1. In DC-A, create some VMs and create their disks on test-import
> 2. maintenance the storage test-import, detach the storage from DC-A
> 3. login to DC-B, click "import domain", chose Data/NFS and enter the path of
> test-import, click "ok"
> 4. Active storage test-import
> Expect result:
> 1. there are two new subtags in test-import: "vm import" and "template
> import"
> 2. the VMs which were create on test-import are listing in the subtag "vm
> import"
> 3. I can chose VM and import it to DC-B
> However, it worked randomly:
> sometimes i can see subtags with VMs in DC-B, but sometimes i can not see any
> VM, and sometimes i can't even see the subtags.
> I tried to access RestAPI, but it return me these links:
> <link
> href="/api/storagedomains/c7492e17-4418-4a55-ad06-c39cea8c44cf/permissions"
> rel="permissions"/>
> <link href="/api/storagedomains/c7492e17-4418-4a55-ad06-c39cea8c44cf/disks"
> rel="disks"/>
> <link
> href="/api/storagedomains/c7492e17-4418-4a55-ad06-c39cea8c44cf/storageconnections"
> rel="storageconnections"/>
> <link
> href="/api/storagedomains/c7492e17-4418-4a55-ad06-c39cea8c44cf/disksnapshots"
> rel="disksnapshots"/>
> <link
> href="/api/storagedomains/c7492e17-4418-4a55-ad06-c39cea8c44cf/diskprofiles"
> rel="diskprofiles"/>
> without /vms and /templates tags
> is this feature available now? or did i miss anything?
> Thank you in advance:-)
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