[ovirt-users] oVirt Weekly Sync: November 26, 2014

Brian Proffitt bproffit at redhat.com
Wed Nov 26 11:01:36 EST 2014

Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.html 
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.txt
Log:     http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 15:07:14 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (bkp, 15:07:31)
  * infra update  (bkp, 15:07:31)
  * 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:07:31)
  * 3.6.0 status  (bkp, 15:07:31)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:07:31)
  * other topics  (bkp, 15:07:33)

* infra update  (bkp, 15:09:33)
  * infra We had an outage last week, while upgrading vdsm to 3.5 on the
    hosts, that left us with some hosts with vdsm 3.4 and some with 3.5,
    will have to plan the upgrade more carefully.  (bkp, 15:24:45)
  * infra An issue with the mock cleanup that rendered the slaves
    unusable, that is solved, but there's a new issue that I'm
    investigating that forced us to take them out of the pool  (bkp,
  * infra We also made some progress on getting vdsm unit tests inside
    mock running. Two tests are failing, including the partition check
    test. sbonazzo suggested nested VM approach. Will need another host
    updated to F20 to enable such an approach.  (bkp, 15:24:53)
  * infra Engine and jenkins upgraded (to 3.5 and 1.583, respectively)
    (bkp, 15:24:57)
  * infra Nesting problems in PHX update:  dcaro has to update on host
    so we can test, but dima said that it's working well  (bkp,
  * infra Issues are being collected for the Infra Day Hackathon (date
    TBD), here:
    (bkp, 15:25:02)

* 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:25:05)
  * 3.5.z updates Full status here:
    (bkp, 15:31:29)
  * 3.5.z updates Three blockers (1162640, 1160846, and 1159839) in
    place for 3.5.1 RC, no ETA set on fixes.  (bkp, 15:31:32)
  * 3.5.z updates RC will need to be postponed one week to accomodate
    blockers, but that date is even risky.  (bkp, 15:31:38)
  * 3.5.z updates Almost all jenkins jobs for 3.5 are now green (except
    one for node, fabiand team is already on it) (fabiand needs nesting
    to get them green, see infra note above)  (bkp, 15:31:41)

* 3.6 status  (bkp, 15:31:45)
  * 3.5.z updates addendum: Two regressions (1160846 and 1118349) are
    tagged for 3.5.1 and need to be evaluated.  (bkp, 15:33:01)
  * 3.6 status Full status here:
    (bkp, 15:51:13)
  * 3.6 status No blockers (as expected). Bug count on the rise.  (bkp,
  * 3.6 status An earlier repoclosure error on missing mom-0.4.3 was
    repaired and released today by alitke (just needed verification and
    karma on Fedora systems)  (bkp, 15:51:19)
  * 3.6 status Today is last day for release criteria/process
    discussion. skieske made a rephrase suggestion, about "feature
    acceptance review", which was accepted.  (bkp, 15:51:22)
  * 3.6 status Updated release criteria/process at
    will be posted on wiki and then announced soon.  (bkp, 15:51:25)
  * ACTION: bkp to set up new release process page on wiki  (bkp,
  * 3.6 status Still gathering 3.6 features at http://goo.gl/9X3G49, no
    feature deadline set yet.  (bkp, 15:51:30)
  * 3.6 status Length of release cycle still not confirmed, but
    gathering all features anyway to have them in one place.  (bkp,

* conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:51:39)
  * Conferences Notification on FOSDEM stands is on Dec. 15. Still time
    to get your devroom submittals in for the virt and IaaS devrooms.
    (bkp, 15:53:13)
  * Conferences I am in discussions with FOSSAsia (http://fossasia.org/)
    to see about an oVirt workshop at that event in mid-March. This is a
    Singapore venue, so if anyone from east Asia is interested in
    speaking/attending, let bkp know.  (bkp, 15:53:16)
  * Conferences If anyone wants to submit a quick report on DevOpsDays
    TLV for the Community blog, that would be welcome!  (bkp, 15:53:20)

* other topics  (bkp, 15:54:31)
  * Other A reminder that the U.S. will be offline tomorrow and Friday
    for Thanksgiving holiday.  (bkp, 15:55:02)
  * Other bkp will be recording demo videos of oVirt beginning after the
    holidays. If anyone wants to help/suggest topics, ping me.  (bkp,

Meeting ended at 15:58:02 UTC.

Action Items
* bkp to set up new release process page on wiki

Action Items, by person
* bkp
  * bkp to set up new release process page on wiki
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* bkp (68)
* sbonazzo (41)
* lvernia (15)
* dcaro (14)
* fabiand (5)
* amureini (3)
* danken (3)
* jmoskovc (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* J_Man (1)
* lvernia_ (1)
* tal (1)

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Brian Proffitt

Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC

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