[ovirt-users] about supervdsmserver process

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Fri Nov 28 13:31:14 EST 2014

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 03:29:56PM +0800, huyy at wolk-tech.com wrote:
> hi all
> I will vdsm installed on centos 6.6 x86_64 operating system, beginning supervdsmServer this process memory is not much, but after some time it will take up a lot of memory. Is this what the problem is caused.
> [root at host-01 ~]# rpm -qf /usr/share/vdsm/supervdsmServer
> vdsm-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.x86_64
> [root at host-01 ~]# rpm -qa | grep vdsm
> vdsm-python-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.x86_64
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-yajsonrpc-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-cli-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-python-zombiereaper-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch
> vdsm-gluster-4.16.7-1.gitdb83943.el6.noarch

Are you using gluster volumes? If so, I suspect you refer to

    Bug 1142647 - supervdsm leaks memory when using glusterfs

which is to be hacked-away in ovirt-3.5.1.

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