[ovirt-users] about supervdsmserver process

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Sun Nov 30 19:48:50 EST 2014

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 10:41:14AM +0800, huyy at wolk-tech.com wrote:
> yes,i using gluster volumes ,Excuse me 3.5.1 of when to release?Now have a temporary solution?

3.5.1 is planned to be built tomorrow. However, two bugs are marked as
release blockers

    1168689     NEW     Upgrading from 3.4.4 to 3.5.1 snapshot the vdsm
    rpm throw an exception

    1160846     NEW     Can't add disk to VM without specifying disk
    profile when the storage domain has more than one disk profile

so I cannot guarantee the date right now.

One option is to build vdsm yourself from the ovirt-3.5 branch.
Another is to apply the two patches
to your local /usr/share/vdsm/gluster/gfapi.py file.

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