[ovirt-users] 答复: Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lior Vernia lvernia at redhat.com
Wed Nov 26 15:17:22 UTC 2014

On 26/11/14 11:37, Frantisek Kobzik wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't think multiple display network is possible within single cluster. How would engine know which is the correct one for given client? Also that would mean vdsm would have to start spice server on multiple interfaces and I believe it's not capable of this. But maybe I'm missing something. I'll try adding Lior from networking team.
> Lior, can you take a quick glance on this thread?

Hi! :)

Indeed, this doesn't make much sense to me. I mean, I can understand
what Paul would like to achieve, but from an implementation perspective
it would be difficult as you described.

> Thanks!
> Franta.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "PaulCheung" <eq2008 at msn.com>
> To: "Chao Xie" <xiec.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>
> Cc: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:19:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] 答复:  Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> JUST PS. What I mean is if they make it into checkbox, it would sloved my problem. Sorry for my poor English! 
> Sincerely yours, 
> PaulCheung 
> tel: 180-8882-7173 
> From: xiec.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com 
> To: eq2008 at msn.com 
> Subject: 答复: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:15:22 +0000 
> Hi, Paul 
> Did you change the code and let the “Migration Display” to checkbox ?Or just use PS to change the photo? 
> 发件人 : users-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces at ovirt.org] 代表 PaulCheung 
> 发送时间 : 2014 年 11 月 26 日 11:27 
> 收件人 : Frantisek Kobzik 
> 抄送 : users at ovirt.org 
> 主题 : Re: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> Dear ALL, 
> Can this turn into a multichoose box ? I need to display in all network interface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> This can solve my problem now. Thank you very much! 
> Sincerely yours, 
> PaulCheung 
> tel: 180-8882-7173 
> From: eq2008 at msn.com 
> To: fkobzik at redhat.com 
> CC: users at ovirt.org 
> Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:55:44 +0800 
> Is there because the Display Network problem cause other network can not display ? 
> How to enable all network's Display ? 
> Sincerely yours, 
> PaulCheung 
> tel: 180-8882-7173 
> From: eq2008 at msn.com 
> To: fkobzik at redhat.com 
> CC: users at ovirt.org 
> Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:53:33 +0800 
> It solved the host=kvm0x.xxxxxxxx.com problem, But my guest still can't open the VM!!! 
> User from D& E, can't start the VM, except ovirt managerment network 
> What should I do ? 
> Sincerely yours, 
> PaulCheung 
> tel: 180-8882-7173 
>> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:26:06 -0500 
>> From: fkobzik at redhat.com 
>> To: eq2008 at msn.com 
>> CC: users at ovirt.org 
>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>> I'm not really sure if this the intended way to achieve customer separation. I don't know this field well, so I need to talk about it with my colleagues from networking team. 
>> Meanwhile you can try overriding your display address on host level like this: 
>> 1, In hosts subtab, edit host. 
>> 2, In the dialog select console. 
>> 3, Check 'Override display address', fill in corresponding host name (in your case kvm01.allwinnertech.com for host kvm01, kvm02.allwinnertech.com for kvm02 host etc) - do this for every host in the cluster. 
>> This should force returning hostnames in the .vv file. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Franta. 
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "LazyPaul" < eq2008 at msn.com > 
>> To: "Frantisek Kobzik" < fkobzik at redhat.com > 
>> Cc: users at ovirt.org 
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:51:27 PM 
>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>> My network is look like this: 
>> 3 vlan, they can ’ t visit each other, so I have 3 dns server, 
>> The console.vv file in the ovirt 3.4 the host = kvm01.allwinnertech.com 
>> after update to 3.5 the host =, this cause the VLAN 101 & vlan 102 user can ’ t open, 
>> It should be : host =kvm01.allwinnertech.com 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> Server management network: VLAN 100 
>> kvm01.allwinnertech.com < http://kvm01.allwinnertech.com/ > kvm02.allwinnertech.com < http://kvm02.allwinnertech.com/ > kvm03 1.117 kvm04 1.120 
>> DNS server: 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> Company A user: VLAN 101 
>> kvm01.allwinertech.com < http://kvm01.allwinertech.com/ > kvm02.allwinnertech.com < http://kvm02.allwinnertech.com/ > kvm02 200.3 kvm04 … 200.4 
>> DNS Server 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> Company B user: VLAN 102 
>> kvm01.allwinnertech.com < http://kvm01.allwinnertech.com/ > 192.168. 100.1 kvm02.allwinnertech.com < http://kvm02.allwinnertech.com/ > kvm02 … 100.3 kvm04 100.4 
>> DNS Server 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> 在 2014 年 11 月 25 日,下午 10:08 , Frantisek Kobzik < fkobzik at redhat.com > 写道: 
>>> Hi, 
>>> I'd like to ask you about two things: 
>>> 1, Do you have display address overriden on cluster level? (clusters maintab) 
>>> 2, Do you have display network defined on your hosts? or are you using management network for everything? 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Franta. 
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "PaulCheung" < eq2008 at msn.com > 
>>> To: "Frantisek Kobzik" < fkobzik at redhat.com > 
>>> Cc: users at ovirt.org 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:55:03 AM 
>>> Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>>> Dear all , 
>>> I am very thank you for your job! 150 users from China waiting for your good news! 
>>> Sincerely yours, 
>>> PaulCheung 
>>> tel: 180-8882-7173 
>>>> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:46:01 -0500 
>>>> From: fkobzik at redhat.com 
>>>> To: eq2008 at msn.com 
>>>> CC: users at ovirt.org 
>>>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>>>> I'm gonna take a closer look at this and will create a bug for that. 
>>>> Cheers, 
>>>> Franta. 
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "PaulCheung" < eq2008 at msn.com > 
>>>> To: users at ovirt.org 
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:38:18 AM 
>>>> Subject: [ovirt-users] Ovirt 3.5 Bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>>>> Dear All, 
>>>> After update 3.4 to 3.5 , our 150 user can't open the VM , the console.vv file host from domain name change to IP address!!! 
>>>> Sincerely yours, 
>>>> PaulCheung 
>>>> tel: 180-8882-7173 
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