[ovirt-users] Spice on Ovirt 3.4.4 Windows 2012 Guests

Gary Lloyd g.lloyd at keele.ac.uk
Tue Oct 14 06:07:27 EDT 2014


We are currently running Ovirt 3.3.5 in production, currently our Windows
Guests are using spice for the console. I have noticed that in our test
environment running 3.4.4 that this option cannot be selected for Windows
2012 guests.

Does anyone know what will happen to the console on VMs running windows
2012 if we upgrade to 3.4.4 on our production environment ?

Will it simply not work resulting in us having to power down the affected
VMs or will the existing VMs carry on working with the spice console
setting ?


*Gary Lloyd*
IT Services
Keele University
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