[ovirt-users] SPICE HTML5 Browser Clinet does not work

Frantisek Kobzik fkobzik at redhat.com
Thu Oct 30 08:44:25 UTC 2014

I exchanged couple of mails with Fumihide and it seems that oVirt doesn't work with newest release of SPICE-HTML5 (0.1.5). 

For others: If your setup worked before (with SPICE-HTML5 0.1.4) and stopped working after upgrade to 0.1.5 (e.g. from EPEL), downgrading might solve the problem.

In the meantime I'll try to investigate what's the problem with 0.1.5.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fumihide Tani" <RXC05271 at nifty.com>
To: users at ovirt.org
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 7:03:23 AM
Subject: [ovirt-users] SPICE HTML5 Browser Clinet does not work

Hi everyone,

Today I have updated oVirt 3.5 to GA from RC5.
And I have tried SPICE HTML5 Browser Clinet, but console screen is 'blank'.
Before updating to GA, My oVirt 3.5 could display console screen correctly.
Browser is the Firefox 31 running on Windows 7.

Toggle messages output shows:

Connected to wss://ovirt.rxc05271.com: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Channel type 220 unknown.
Channel type 130 unknown.
Channel type 214 unknown.
Channel type 183 unknown.
Channel type 0 unknown.
Channel type 12 unknown.
Channel type undefined unknown.
Channel type undefined unknown.
Channel type undefined unknown.
9: No message handlers for this channel; message 101
>> WebSockets.onerror[object Event]
[object Event]
Error: Unexpected close while ready
>> WebSockets.onerror[object Event]
[object Event]
Error: Connection timed out.

How can I resolve this problem?
Please help.

Fumihide Tani

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