[ovirt-users] OVIRT-3.5-TEST-DAY-3 - hosted engine over iSCSI

Antoni Segura Puimedon asegurap at redhat.com
Wed Sep 17 14:23:10 EDT 2014

Hi list!

I got hold of an iSCSI lun and set out to test deploying the hosted-engine over
it (I've been successfully running hosted-engine over NFS since oVirt-3.4 and
have successfully upgraded it to 3.5 and jsonrpc communication).

Unfortunately, things didn't start well with a small issue when calling
    hosted-engine --deploy
Due to the vdsm certs not being propertly generated:

After working around that doing:
    vdsm-tool configure --force
I repeated the deploy command and answered every question. It created the VM
image, but ultimately failed to set up a password for VNC (for that is what
I chose to access the VM).
I attached the vdsm logs and will investigate more to try to give more info
to the hosted engine devs ;-)



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