[ovirt-users] Testday 3 results

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Thu Sep 18 06:01:52 EDT 2014

Hi All,
I was glad to see the amount of participation yesterday. Kudus to everyone who took
a part in making oVirt 3.5.0 better!

Here are some stats from yesterday's logs:

Top 10 active IRC users[1]:

    206 Zordrak
    177 winfr34k
     44 sbonazzo
     35 fromani
     24 msivak_
     19 Sven
     19 jhernand
     18 tiraboschi
     16 danken
     16 capri


1. Bugs by team: http://goo.gl/RXjm8k
2. Bugs by reporter: http://goo.gl/c89Sdy
3. Results:
- 96 new bugs
- Top 5 reporters:

   sbonazzo at redhat.com         15
   redhat.bugzilla at jdmp.org.uk  6
   tnisan at redhat.com            5
   glazarov at redhat.com          4
   info at netbulae.com            4

Please alert if there are any 3.5.0 blockers.


[1] Excluding the weekly meeting part as it wasn't relevant.

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