[ovirt-users] Building vdsm within Fedora

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Tue Sep 23 17:21:18 EDT 2014

Since Vdsm was open-sourced, it was built and deployed via

Recently [http://gerrit.ovirt.org/31214] vdsm introduced a spec-file
dependency onf qemu-kvm-rhev, and considered to backport it to the
ovirt-3.4 brach.

Requiring qemu-kvm-rhev, which is not part of Fedora's EPEL6 branch,
violates Fedora's standards.

So basically we have two options:

1. Revert the qemu-kvm-rhev dependency.
2. Drop vdsm from EPEL6 (or completely from Fedora); ship Vdsm only
   within the oVirt repositories.

A third option would be to have one rpm, with qemu-kvm-rhev, shipped in
ovirt, and another without it - shipped in Fedora. I find this overly
complex and confusing.

I favor option 2. The Fedora deployment platform served us well for a
long time, but now that ovirt is maturing, we no longer need it for
building vdsm. This has the added benefit of removing the need to pass
through Fedora's ghastly gateway when adding a Vdsm dependency.

Sandro, what should be done in order to build Vdsm by ovirt, occording
to the most up-to-date tag in a stable branch?

Does anybody object this? If no one does, we would stop updating Vdsm in
Fedora, and obsolete it in the future.


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