[ovirt-users] ovirt35 - deepdive - ioprocess

Barak Azulay bazulay at redhat.com
Sun Sep 28 13:14:45 EDT 2014

The following is a new meeting request:

Subject: ovirt35 - deepdive - ioprocess  
Organizer: "Barak Azulay" <bazulay at redhat.com> 

Time: Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 4:30:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
Invitees: ykaplan at redhat.com; users at ovirt.org; devel at ovirt.org 


This session will cover the move from OOP (RemoteFileHandler) to the new ioprocess. 
It will cover exactly: 
- what is it 
- why is such a mechanism required 
- OOP and it's limitations 
- ioprocess 

Google hangout link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnrFTHf0sB0 
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