[ovirt-users] accessing SPICE console when host not on management network

Jason Keltz jas at cse.yorku.ca
Thu Apr 2 12:06:33 EDT 2015

I'm trying to figure out the most reasonable method for me to access the 
console on my ovirt installation.
Each node has ovirtmgmt, storage, and external network connectivity.
The standalone engine host has ovirtmgmt, and external network.
I connect to engine via the external network, right click on a VM and 
try to access the console.  If I use the "Remote Viewer" method, the 
connection fails.  This is because my client on the external network 
doesn't have access to ovirtmgmt.
I can access the spice-html5 client, and that "basically" works, though 
it's crashed more than once.  I suspect that Remote Viewer will be more 
So my question is - what is the best way for me to connect to the 
console from the external network?
Either, I have to start up my client on a machine that has an IP on 
ovirtmgmt (eg. remote login to engine, and run firefox there?)
or I have to route external packets from my host to say, the engine 
host, and run IP forwarding there? probably not too secure...
or I have to figure out a way to make ovirt use the external network for 
display traffic... that would probably be best (?) but I can't seem to 
figure out whether it's possible.
In particular since the external network is a VM network (it's actually 
2 x 1 G links bound via LACP), and not part of ovirt infrastructure, 
it's not clear if I can use it for display and VM external connectivity 
as well.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


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