[ovirt-users] cloud-init root password?

Jorick Astrego j.astrego at netbulae.eu
Tue Apr 7 07:51:18 EDT 2015

On 04/07/2015 01:36 PM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2015, at 13:24 , Jorick Astrego <j.astrego at netbulae.eu> wrote:
>> On 04/07/2015 11:31 AM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
>>> On Apr 3, 2015, at 13:07 , Jorick Astrego <j.astrego at netbulae.eu
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 3.5.2rc3, the root password field from cloud-init is missing. How do I set the root password now for a fresh VM?
>>> Hi Jorick,
>>> This was 3.5 enhancement to support also non-root users
>>> you use username "root" and set a password:-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> michal
>> I normally deploy through foreman and we have ipa integrated, so I
>> haven't used it in a while.
>> When I use username "root" and set the password, how do I add another
>> normal user then?
> you can only define one. It's not meant to be a guest user management tool.

Ok so IMHO it's pretty useless. I thought it was comparable to anaconda
where you specify the rootpw and an optional user. I expect many call's
if we don't explain they have to use the username root. But we're
building a custom customer front end anyway so we'll just fill in the
root user ourselves I guess.

Let's say a customer creates a new vm, add's a Centos iso to boot from
and wishes the add a rootpw and admin user account, is there any way to
do this currently?

>> Say I want to add an user account & set the root password. When I fill
>> in the username & password there is no way to login to the system as
>> this user and gain root access in any way (sudo is not allowed).
>> So it could have just remained rootpw as the vm is worthless otherwise
>> or am I missing something?
> it was a specific request for cloud-based images. It only makes sense on templates where you've already initialized root or sudo

If I create templates with initialized root or sudo, I wouldn't have any
need to use cloud init to add another user. I could have done that in
the template as well. Also the templates will become single user as it
doesn't make sense to share the same root with multiple users.

Met vriendelijke groet, With kind regards,

Jorick Astrego

Netbulae Virtualization Experts 


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