[ovirt-users] Cancel a running task | Zombie Task

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Thu Apr 9 14:07:56 EDT 2015

On Thu, 9 Apr 2015, Punit Dambiwal wrote:

> I have checked and found two tasks running from last 14 hours and 
> there is no option to kill it...
> Inline image 1
> from the SPM host :- 
> [root at cpu11 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 getAllTasksStatuses
> {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code': 0}, 'allTasksStatus': {}}
> [root at cpu11 ~]#
> Please let me know how i can kill those processes...

There may be a officially blessed method for killing zombie tasks, but 
my experience is that all you can do is delete them from the database.

On the ovirt-engine server, get a psql shell, e.g.,

   psql -d engine -U postgres

Data about running tasks are stored in the job table. You might find 
this query interesting:

   select * from job order by start_time desc;

Grab the job_id for the task you want to delete, then use the 
DeleteJob procedure, e.g.,

   select DeleteJob('8424f7a9-2a4c-4567-b528-45bbc1c2534f');

Give the web GUI a minute or so to catch up with you. The tasks should 
be gone.

Paul Heinlein
heinlein at madboa.com
45°38' N, 122°6' W

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