[ovirt-users] ovirtmgmt bridge, hosted engine, and running VMs

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at redhat.com
Thu Apr 30 03:12:24 EDT 2015

Il 29/04/2015 09:55, Garry Tiedemann ha scritto:
> Hi folks,
> I have a 3.5 hosted-engine setup, which was recently upgraded from 3.4. It has five nodes, two of them set up for hosted-engine HA.
> Initial problem:
> One of the hosted-engine HVs had a score of 1800, owing to the management bridge (ovirtmgmt) being absent.
> I put ovirtmgmt bridge back in. The score went to 2400. Great!
> After that, I could use hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=local to force it to move to the other blade.
> Can't migrate hosted-engine using the oVirt GUI though; I'm sure I've done so before, is that still supposed to work in 3.5?

AFAIK yes, it should still be supported.

> Second problem:
> Having added the ovirtmgmt bridge, that HV, which was running VMs before, now refuses to accept them.
> An example from hosted-engine's engine.log, it refuses to put a VM on these hosts:
> 2015-04-29 17:23:07,593 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.scheduling.SchedulingManager] (ajp-- [4ca60585] Candidate host
> bl09.networkvideo.com.au (4f26611a-9f44-4832-b9e3-1a06b1d513fc) was filtered out by VAR__FILTERTYPE__INTERNAL *filter Network*
> 2015-04-29 17:23:07,595 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.scheduling.SchedulingManager] (ajp-- [4ca60585] Candidate host
> bl07.networkvideo.com.au (fc50be91-3e07-4447-a0d8-bffbda8a07c6) was filtered out by VAR__FILTERTYPE__INTERNAL filter Network
> I think it must relate to the configuration for either the ovirtmgmt bridge, or the physical interface to which the bridge is connected.
> I have seen, for example, the need for BOOTPROTO=none to be in the ifcfg-file.
> So, it seems that filter actually reads config files, and I suspect it's looking for a certain directive and/or syntax. My guess, it's being (too)
> fussy about syntax.
> Has anyone else encountered this? I'd be glad to learn more about how that filter works, if someone can point me in the right direction please.
> The interface configs for the two scenarios are shown below.
> 1. eth0 without a bridge - like this, I can run VMs on the HV, but hosted-engine won't go there (of course).
> [root at bl09 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth0
> DEVICE=eth0
> HWADDR=00:21:5a:48:4e:4a
> ONBOOT=yes
> MTU=1500
> 2. With the bridge in, as it is now, I can put hosted-engine on it, but can't run other VMs on there.
> [root at bl09 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth0
> DEVICE=eth0
> HWADDR=00:21:5a:48:4e:4a
> ONBOOT=yes
> BRIDGE=ovirtmgmt
> MTU=1500
> [root at bl09 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-ovirtmgmt
> DEVICE=ovirtmgmt
> ONBOOT=yes
> TYPE=Bridge
> BOOTPROTO=static
> Any guidance appreciated.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Garry
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Sandro Bonazzola
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