[ovirt-users] Hosted engine vs. hypervisor hosts naming on hyperconverged setup

Roy Golan rgolan at redhat.com
Sun Dec 27 13:38:00 EST 2015

On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Will Dennis <wdennis at nec-labs.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a hyperconverged setup where I have a hosted engine that runs on
> one of three hosts, which are named “ovirt-node-[01,02,03]” —
> [root at ovirt-node-01 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-status | grep -e "Hostname" -e
> "Engine"
> Hostname                           : ovirt-node-01
> Engine status                      : {"health": "good", "vm": "up",
> "detail": "up"}
> Hostname                           : ovirt-node-02
> Engine status                      : {"reason": "vm not running on this
> host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "unknown"}
> Hostname                           : ovirt-node-03
> Engine status                      : {"reason": "vm not running on this
> host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "unknown”}
> When I deployed the hosted engine, I gave it a separate hostname/IP, as I
> expected it would need it (hostname = “ovirt-engine-01”)
So when exactly did you changed the hostname?
And what did you pass to the hosted engine install as answers? perhaps
share the setup log under /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha

However, when I look at the hosts in the oVirt web admin screen, I see that
> the first host has the name “ovirt-engine-01” whereas it has the hostname
> of “ovirt-node-01”
> I also notice that even though the 1st host is showing the number of VM’s
> running as “1”, when I click on the “VMs” node, there are no VMs showing.
You have to have a data center active, and only after that you would be
able to see your engine VM.  This is a must. First your hosted_storage will
be imported into the setup automatically followed by the engine vm import.

Not sure of what “should be”, but, would expect that the first host would
> have a name equal to its DNS hostname (like the other two do), and that in
> VMs I would see the engine VM. But is that not how a hosted engine setup
> works?
> And if not, if the engine VM migrates over to another host, will that host
> gain the name "“ovirt-engine-01”?
no. We don't mess with that. The hostname is static in the engine.

> I ask this now because I want to set up a storage domain on these hosts
> using GlusterFS, and I have to select a host to base the connection on. In
> the “Use Host” dropbox, I currently see the values:
> ovirt-node-03
> ovirt-node-02
> ovirt-engine-01
> I would expect that the last entry would be for “ovirt-host-01”, not
> “ovirt-engine-01”…
> I don’t want to set up the storage domain until I figure this out, so as
> to prevent potential breakage...
> Thanks,
> Will
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