[ovirt-users] Can't remove a storage domain related to a broken hardware

Olivier Navas olivier.navas at sdis33.fr
Tue Jan 6 04:28:42 EST 2015

Hello Ovirt users ! 

I experienced an hardware failure on a ISCSI storage making it unrecoverable, and I would like to remove it from storage domains. 

There was 1 disk on this storage domain, and this disk isn't attached to any VM anymore, but I still can't detach this storage domain from cluster. 

The storage domain is in "inactive" status and if I try to "detach" it from data center, ovirt tries to activate it. Obviously it can't activate it since hardware is broken, and it fails after several minutes with the event "Failed to detach Storage Domain my_storage_domain to Data Center Default. (User: admin)". I can post my engine.log if useful. 

I need a way to force removal of this storage domain. Any trick would be greatly appreciated. 

Perhaps does Ovirt miss some sort of "force detach, i know what i'm doing" button ? 

I am running an Ovirt 3.5 cluster (engine with CentOS 6.6, 4 nodes with CentOS 7) with FC and ISCSI storage domains. 

Thanks for your help. 

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