[ovirt-users] [ovirt-devel] 3.5 live merge findings and mysteries [was Re: Simple way to activate live merge in FC20 cluster]

Adam Litke alitke at redhat.com
Tue Jan 6 09:47:56 EST 2015

On 04/01/15 16:34 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Sven Kieske <svenkieske at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Understand me, please. My note was about Release Notes page
>> > misleading in respect with features' set and newcomers... but also
>> > frequent users too
>> >
>> > At http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes#Live_Merge  ones
>> > reads:
>> >
>> > " Live Merge If an image has one or more snapshots, oVirt 3.5's
>> > merge command will combine the data of one volume into another.
>> > Live merges can be performed with data is pulled from one snapshot
>> > into another snapshot. The engine can merge multiple disks at the
>> > same time and each merge can independently fail or succeed in each
>> > operation. "
>> >
>> > I think you have to mention that it is a restricted use case for
>> > now... and specify that it works only for Fedora 20 and in that
>> > case you have to manually modify the repo definition to install the
>> > qemu packages from virt-preview to get the feature.
>> This still is not fixed!
>> I can already see the bugreports coming in, claiming live merge does
>> not work, because the release notes are very misleading!
>> Did nobody got the time to fix this?
>I'm more than available to change it if my edit rights allow it.
>But at the end I didn't see any clear answer from developers and/or infra
>I think it is a crucial page, so I'd prefer one of them to do it or
>explicitly answering here that we are right and we can go change it...

I'll add a disclaimer to the page.

Adam Litke

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