[ovirt-users] [STORAGE] Adding posix compliant FS

Julian De Marchi julian at jdcomputers.com.au
Thu Jan 8 00:00:59 EST 2015

Sorry for belated reply... Holidays etc...

On 12/18/14 16:12, Vered Volansky wrote:
> Hi Julian,

Hi Vared,

> Please see my questions inline.

Answered inline, not trimmed to keep context for all.

> Vered
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Julian De Marchi" <julian at jdcomputers.com.au>
>> To: "Vered Volansky" <vered at redhat.com>
>> Cc: users at ovirt.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 4:29:36 PM
>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] [STORAGE] Adding posix compliant FS
>> On 17/12/14 21:38, Vered Volansky wrote:
>>> Hi Julian,
>> Hey Vered,
>>> IIUC the you have a self-created lvm, to which you're trying to connect as
>>> posix using ovirt.
>>> If that's the case please try to manually change the device's permissions
>>> to 36:36 under /dev/<your_VG>.
>>> If that doesn't work try the actual device it's mapped to (which is what
>>> vdsm actually tries to mount).
>>> If that also doesn't work please send us the output of:
>>>>> ls -lh /dev/<your_VG> .
>> Still failed mate after a chmod 36:36. The thing is though, it _does_
>> mount the device for a moment before failing and unmounting it...
> Is this the same behaviour as before?
>> [root at blade01 ~]# ls /dev/VolGroup/lv_images -lh
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Dec 15 16:52 /dev/VolGroup/lv_images -> ../dm-2
> I see /dev/VolGroup/lv_images are still root:root.
> Please chown 36:36 as well.
> Please state the all the chown you tried.

This is the symlink so you can never chown that part, only the source. I 
did a chown foo:bar

>> [root at blade01 ~]# ls /dev/dm-2 -lh
>> brw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 253, 2 Dec 15 16:52 /dev/dm-2
>>> Regards,
>>> Vered
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Julian De Marchi" <julian at jdcomputers.com.au>
>>>> To: users at ovirt.org
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3:35:34 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] [STORAGE] Adding posix compliant FS
>>>> Think I found some more clues.
>>>> Thread-21910::DEBUG::2014-12-17
>>>> 11:26:07,277::lvm::288::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(cmd) /usr/bin/sudo -n
>>>> /sbin/lvm vgs --config ' devices { preferred_names = ["^/dev/mapper/"]
>>>> ignore_suspended_devices=1 write_cache_state=0
>>>> disable_after_error_count=3 obtain_device_list_from_udev=0 filter = [
>>>> '\''r|.*|'\'' ] }  global {  locking_type=1  prioritise_write_locks=1
>>>> wait_for_locks=1  use_lvmetad=0 }  backup {  retain_min = 50
>>>> retain_days = 0 } ' --noheadings --units b --nosuffix --separator '|'
>>>> --ignoreskippedcluster -o
>>>> uuid,name,attr,size,free,extent_size,extent_count,free_count,tags,vg_mda_size,vg_mda_free,lv_count,pv_count,pv_name
>>>> 3ba06bee-861e-4868-8e89-f29f785bab65 (cwd None)
>>>> Thread-21910::DEBUG::2014-12-17
>>>> 11:26:07,348::lvm::288::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(cmd) FAILED: <err> = '
>>>> Volume group "3ba06bee-861e-4868-8e89-f29f785bab65" not found\n
>>>> Skipping volume group 3ba06bee-861e-4868-8e89-f29f785bab65\n'; <rc> = 5
>>>> Thread-21910::WARNING::2014-12-17
>>>> 11:26:07,350::lvm::370::Storage.LVM::(_reloadvgs) lvm vgs failed: 5 []
>>>> ['  Volume group "3ba06bee-861e-4868-8e89-f29f785bab65" not found', '
>>>> Skipping volume group 3ba06bee-861e-4868-8e89-f29f785bab65']
>>>> Thread-21910::DEBUG::2014-12-17
>>>> 11:26:07,351::lvm::407::Storage.OperationMutex::(_reloadvgs) Operation
>>>> 'lvm reload operation' released the operation mutex
>>>> But I still don't understand what it's trying to do. Just to recap, I do
>>>> see it create the dir and mount the device. But when it fails it umounts
>>>> everything.
>>>> I tried to manually create the DIR it is expecting, but ovirt seems to
>>>> remove it and re-create it which then ends up with root:root. I can see
>>>> this as when I add the storage I run watch ls -lh and can see it all
>>>> occur.
>>>> Any help would still be greatly appreciated!
>>>> On 12/16/14 19:46, Julian De Marchi wrote:
>>>>> On 16/12/14 17:20, Aharon Canan wrote:
>>>>>> Did you "chown 36:36" the folder to get the right permissions for
>>>>>> adding to ovirt?
>>>>> That's the thing. Ovirt actually creates that dir when I go and try to
>>>>> add the storage. It mounts the LVM device to that dir then fails. In the
>>>>> logs I posted at http://pastebin.com/fzN9ktAX you can see it is failing
>>>>> with a permission denied error. The command that is above the error is
>>>>> touch. I think it is trying to touch a file to ensure all is well and
>>>>> when that fails it gives the error.
>>>>> If I knew where in the code to prefix the touch command with sudo and
>>>>> add a line to the sudoers entry I can test this idea.
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Julian De Marchi" <julian at jdcomputers.com.au>
>>>>>> To: users at ovirt.org
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:40:04 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] [STORAGE] Adding posix compliant FS
>>>>>> On 12/16/14 08:57, Julian De Marchi wrote:
>>>>>>> Heya--
>>>>>>> I'm using ovirt 3.5 and trying to add a posix compliant FS to a node in
>>>>>>> my cluster.
>>>>>>> The storage I'm trying to add is contained within LVM. Below is a link
>>>>>>> to my log files on the node where I'm trying to attach the storage.
>>>>>>> http://pastebin.com/fzN9ktAX
>>>>>>> I've read the ovirt manual for adding posix compliant storage and
>>>>>>> believe I'm doing everything correct.
>>>>>>> Any help to get this storage added would be great thanks and if I
>>>>>>> forgot
>>>>>>> to include any info please ask.
>>>>>> More info to add. I was doing an "ls" on the dir it does the mount in
>>>>>> and saw the dir was owned by root:root with different perms to the ones
>>>>>> mounted via NFS.
>>>>>> [root at blade01 libvirt]# ls /rhev/data-center/mnt/ -lh
>>>>>> total 20K
>>>>>> drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4.0K Dec 11 09:00
>>>>>> drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4.0K Oct 17 09:42
>>>>>> drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4.0K Oct 17 09:39
>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Dec 15 16:52 _dev_mapper_VolGroup-lv__images
>>>>>> This could explain why the touch command fails.
>>>>>> Still at a loss over the issue though.
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